Watergate's Deep Throat

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Reba said:
Are you saying that the Gore story is not true? Just because of the link? I can provide different links.

If we can discuss Watergate, why can't we discuss Gore and Elk Hills? That is more recent than Watergate.

Nawww, Reba, I am saying no such thing.
I have been around the block a few times so of course I know that all previous administrations had corruption to varied degrees.
It is just that lately I notice a lot of Clinton and Gore bashing, and of course those are just attempts to divert attention away from the present administration and its crimes.
Oh well, what else is new?
A couple years ago there was a lot of speculation that Pat Buchanan was Deep Throat, I wonder why he's off the list of suspects now.

How's his health lately?
Codger said:
I guess we can thank Mr.'s Clinton, Carville, and Stephanopolus for that term. Insider trading is just a variation on this theme. Anyone remember that one
Yeah just wait till 2008 And republicans gonna put up a negitive attack AD on hillary clinton and make voters remember ""enron"" "" Monica Lewinsky Scandel"" And then voters will vote for a republican.
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