Watergate's Deep Throat

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I have always been fascinated with the idenitity of Deep Throat. Do you have your own idea of who it could be?

This is what Havill said.

Watergate's Deep Throat Is...

...George Herbert Walker Bush. Former president. Father of the current president. He's Deep Throat? A Watergate researcher and author says he now thinks the mysterious figure codenamed "Deep Throat" by Washington Post reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein is none other than Papa Bush, reports The Boston Herald.

Arguably the most mysterious figure in American political history, Deep Throat is the one who divulged confidential information to Woodward and Bernstein that enabled them to crack the Watergate case and help bring down a presidency. And now Adrian Havill, the author of a 1993 biography titled "Deep Truth" about reporters Woodward and Carl Bernstein, says after new research he believes the elder Bush is the unnamed contact. Until now, Havill maintained Deep Throat was a composite of secret sources and not a single person.

What made Havill suspect George H.W. Bush? Five things:
1. President George W. Bush is well known for disliking reporters, but he gave Woodward an unusual seven hours of interviews for Woodward's book, "Bush at War."
2. The elder Bush had a deep motivation to dislike President Richard Nixon, who had urged him to leave a safe congressional seat for a position as assistant secretary of the Treasury with a hint that Nixon would replace Spiro Agnew with Bush on the 1972 ticket. The Boston Herald reports that Nixon reneged, and Bush "was given the thankless task of heading the Republican National Committee in 1973," Havill said.
3. George H.W. Bush was United Nations ambassador in New York from 1971 to 1973, but regularly traveled to his Washington home on weekends. Seven of the eight Deep Throat/Woodward meetings were on weekends.
4. Bush had intimate knowledge of Washington and the way it worked.
"This is a guy with deep political contacts from way back," Havill said.
5. Both Woodward and Bush are graduates of Yale University and both were in the U.S. Navy.

Woodward has said he will only reveal Deep Throat's identity when the source dies. And that leads us to the latest news, which one would think negates all of the above. An article in today's Los Angeles Times says that Deep Throat is now close to death. The last we saw, George H.W. Bush was in great health. So maybe it's not him.
Meg, that very last paragraph.....are those your words?
Tousi said:
Meg, that very last paragraph.....are those your words?

No I didnt write any of this. Found this editorial on Internet and was wondering why Havill would think it is George Bush, Sr. It never crossed my mind that it could be him.

I do know that this person aka Deep Throat is dying and we will soon find out the real identity of Deep Throat.
Hmmmm, I always suspected it was Haldeman.
Dying, huh?
Maybe Cheney, that oaf is always dying.
Beowulf said:
Hmmmm, I always suspected it was Haldeman.
Dying, huh?
Maybe Cheney, that oaf is always dying.

Same here..always have suspected it may be Haldeman.
I was never really crazy for these theories related to the Watergate Scandal. However, I do find this to be interesting. ;)
Gerald Ford has been real sick lately.
See democrats would make a big deal about nixons watergate scandel and iran contra affair.But they wont make a big deal over bill clintons lying under oath sexaul scandel with monica lewinsky.
Meg, that is very interesting! Thanks for posting! :thumb:
Also, Pope John Paul is very sick.
Hmmmm, Dick Clark hasn't recovered from his stroke yet.
The chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, William Rehnquist, is not doing well.
Beowulf said:
Are you okay, Reba?
Hey, my guesses about "Deep Throat's" identity are as valid as anyone else's, ha, ha. :lol:
Lol @ Reba!

Ha ha ha !!! You and I may be among the few who are old enough to remember Watergate as the story was unfolding. People were intrigued by the mysterious informant then as now. It is a bit of a "who-done-it", but regardless of who it was, the fact remains that when/if the source is finally revealed for history, all sorts of people had the motivation to do it.

Political and corporate spying is certainly nothing new. It neither began nor ended with Watergate. Nixon et al did not do anything that was not done by their predicessors, or successors. If you remember, their chief crime against the people was the coverup. Nowdays, we use the term "damage control", and it is handled by "spin doctors". I guess we can thank Mr.'s Clinton, Carville, and Stephanopolus for that term. Insider trading is just a variation on this theme. Enron, the Hunt Brothers silver fiasco, Marth Stewart, Teapot Dome Scandle? Anyone remember that one?

Disinformation is another variation of the theme. Widely used both nationally and internationally. WMD comes to mind, as does a candidate planting info about him/herself that the opponent will pick up and tout, the candidate can refute with rightous indignation and gain points with the public.

The old song "games people play" comes to mind! :D
Point of interest: Teapot Dome explained

$100,000 was real money in those days!

Teapot Dome, in U.S. history, oil reserve scandal that began during the administration of President Harding. In 1921, by executive order of the President, control of naval oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyo., and at Elk Hills, Calif., was transferred from the Navy Dept. to the Dept. of the Interior. The oil reserves had been set aside for the navy by President Wilson. In 1922, Albert B. Fall, U.S. Secretary of the Interior, leased, without competitive bidding, the Teapot Dome fields to Harry F. Sinclair, an oil operator, and the field at Elk Hills, Calif., to Edward L. Doheny. These transactions became (1922–23) the subject of a Senate investigation conducted by Sen. Thomas J. Walsh. It was found that in 1921, Doheny had lent Fall $100,000, interest-free, and that upon Fall's retirement as Secretary of the Interior (Mar., 1923) Sinclair also “loaned” him a large amount of money. The investigation led to criminal prosecutions. Fall was indicted for conspiracy and for accepting bribes. Convicted of the latter charge, he was sentenced to a year in prison and fined $100,000. In another trial for bribery Doheny and Sinclair were acquitted, although Sinclair was subsequently sentenced to prison for contempt of the Senate and for employing detectives to shadow members of the jury in his case. The oil fields were restored to the U.S. government through a Supreme Court decision in 1927.
Codger said:
... Teapot Dome Scandle? Anyone remember that one?
Cough, cough! I am not THAT old! Well, actually I do remember studying about Teapot Dome in school. :)

Of course, the Elk Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve of Teapot Dome came to light again with former VP Gore's involvement.
Michael Savage?????
He is so biased his head is on backwards!
Why don't we just get over the Clinton/Gore era?
That was two terms ago.
Let's focus on the here and now.
Can anyone say Enron and Halliburton?
Beowulf said:
Michael Savage?????
He is so biased his head is on backwards!
Why don't we just get over the Clinton/Gore era?
That was two terms ago.
Let's focus on the here and now.
Can anyone say Enron and Halliburton?
Are you saying that the Gore story is not true? Just because of the link? I can provide different links.

If we can discuss Watergate, why can't we discuss Gore and Elk Hills? That is more recent than Watergate.
Beowulf said:
Michael Savage?????
He is so biased his head is on backwards!
Why don't we just get over the Clinton/Gore era?
That was two terms ago.
Let's focus on the here and now.
Can anyone say Enron and Halliburton?

Watergate was a few terms ago too. The point of even bringing other administration's foibles into this thread was to show that political shadyness neither began nor ended with the Nixon administration. EVERY administration has had it's share of dirty laundry. The Clinton/Gore administration was no different, just that a lot of the laundry was poorly hidden, and a lot of it came to light. Chinese bedfellows is one that comes to mind. The Bush oil connection is widely known as well. But a CLEAN candidate with a CLEAN administration hasn't happened in a long time. All of them use Hegelian dialectics*. All of them have the need for a ton of special interest money.

*George Wilhelm Frederic Hegel - German philosopher
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