Watch Your Kids Numb Nuts!

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So Hoichi, let's recap

- you have 0 qualifications to refute a primatologist's expert opinion

- you claimed you would not take the word of a primatologist that would not allow their own children to play with gorillas, yet a video of such an occurrence was furbished

- you do not yet recognize that an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy
So Hoichi, let's recap

- you have 0 qualifications to refute a primatologist's expert opinion

- you claimed you would not take the word of a primatologist that would not allow their own children to play with gorillas, yet a video of such an occurrence was furbished

- you do not yet recognize that an appeal to emotion is a logical fallacy

stenhaur lets recap

you only think its safe for others children to play with caged wild beasts
never your own

you lack any courage of your stated convictions (you being a christian i find it all rather telling)

as for emotion here....
ive appealed to none

ive consistently asked you questions regarding ACTIONS not emotions actions.
actions of the beast towards the child


you respond by posting videos of gorillas signing and talking...(thats an appeal to emotion, it certainly isnt one to reason)

and i asked you again regarding actions..

if a human did those same "actions" (you do know the difference between actions and emotions right?......mmmmm maybe not..) to a child what would the police response be?

you wont answer
and of course i understand why you wont..

its cool
as for my qualifications ive posted them...


when are you going to get the vid of YOUR children playing unsupervised with caged gorilas?
oh right

its only safe for others children to play with gorillas unsupervised...never yours..

i guess it can be stated..
with convictions like this...who needs courage..
Let's take yet another recap Hoichi

- you have 0 qualifications to refute a primatologist's expert opinion, and you also have 0 qualifications to determine what courage is.

- Shooting a gorilla that was not harming a child was a reaction to fear - it was not a courageous act.

You may have listed some qualifications - but there was nothing that indicated you are qualified to refute a primatologist's expert opinion.

The only qualifications you have are to make assumptions about people you know nothing about - which kind of makes you NOT an expert at anything.
No charges will be filed against the mother of the 3-year-old boy who fell into a gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo, the Hamilton County prosecutor's office in Ohio said Monday.

I guess there is a double standard then

An Ohio mother has been charged with child endangerment after her 2-year-old son dropped some 10 feet into a zoo's cheetah exhibit over the weekend.
Let's take yet another recap Hoichi

- you have 0 qualifications to refute a primatologist's expert opinion, and you also have 0 qualifications to determine what courage is.

- Shooting a gorilla that was not harming a child was a reaction to fear - it was not a courageous act.

You may have listed some qualifications - but there was nothing that indicated you are qualified to refute a primatologist's expert opinion.

The only qualifications you have are to make assumptions about people you know nothing about - which kind of makes you NOT an expert at anything.

lest recap stenaur
but first since your obsessed with qualifications i would like to see yours?
particularity in courage..alas driving for uber is rather dangerous....


your basing your entire argument on one primatologists
but opinions are like assholes everyone has one including experts..

shooting a gorrila who at any moment could easily kill the child was indeed based on fear.
a very real fear for the childs life and safety.
do nothing and let the animal play was NOT an option.

if you truly believe treating children like the gorrila treated the child is non threatening..
you have issues..

i never argued once it was a courageous act to kill the gorila
it certainly was a tragedy.

when are you going to get that vid of YOUR child playing with a caged gorilla unsupervised?

oh i forgot...
that's only safe for other peoples kids..
for know better....
oh my!!!! many pages in just short time!!! here's a thing - this is one of few touchy subjects that are best left alone especially for people on gorilla side because anything about parents and children... it's just best to let it go and move on. It's just not something that can be discussed logically and rationally. just let it goooooooooo. move onnnnnnn.

I already posted a video of a gorilla expert allowing his child to play with gorillas.

perhaps you missed it?

I am still waiting to hear what your qualifications are to claim that primatologists are wrong to say Harambe was protecting this child ... I assume the wait will be quite long.
He wasnt unsupervised if it was filmed now was it?
oh my!!!! many pages in just short time!!! here's a thing - this is one of few touchy subjects that are best left alone especially for people on gorilla side because anything about parents and children... it's just best to let it go and move on. It's just not something that can be discussed logically and rationally. just let it goooooooooo. move onnnnnnn.

But But But... soooooo many are getting BUTTHURT and its so funny to keep stirring the pot.... bet this can be a GBWR if we keep it up? lol BTW no charges are being filed.
He wasnt unsupervised if it was filmed now was it?

I think that would be the next argument Hoichi would make .. but, but, I said your children and unsupervised ....

Nope ... this is NOT what HOICHI said at all. What he did say was, that if a primatologist was fine with their children playing with gorillas then he would listen to their expert opinion. A video was furbished showing a primatologist's children playing with gorillas. When that video was furbished, Hoichi then moved the goalposts. I suspect he will continue to keep moving them with even further evidence that Harambe was shot unnecessarily.

I value life. I valued the life of the child and the Gorilla. It is my sincerest opinion that this member of an endangered species was killed unnecessarily due to fear and panic. The number of zoologists, primatoligists, gorilla behaviour experts, et. al. that are saying the same exact thing is growing daily. Harambe was trying to protect this child. He was killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

If this child fell into an alligator pit, or some other carnivorous predator's pit, then I could absolutely 100% understand dispatching such a creature in order to protect the life of a child. Gorillas are NOT carnivorous predators.

It does not matter how strong a Gorilla is, they can squash a coconut with their bare hands, because they actually understand what a coconut is. They understand the difference between a banana and a baby too.
I think that would be the next argument Hoichi would make .. but, but, I said your children and unsupervised ....

Nope ... this is NOT what HOICHI said at all. What he did say was, that if a primatologist was fine with their children playing with gorillas then he would listen to their expert opinion. A video was furbished showing a primatologist's children playing with gorillas. When that video was furbished, Hoichi then moved the goalposts. I suspect he will continue to keep moving them with even further evidence that Harambe was shot unnecessarily.

I value life. I valued the life of the child and the Gorilla. It is my sincerest opinion that this member of an endangered species was killed unnecessarily due to fear and panic. The number of zoologists, primatoligists, gorilla behaviour experts, et. al. that are saying the same exact thing is growing daily. Harambe was trying to protect this child. He was killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

If this child fell into an alligator pit, or some other carnivorous predator's pit, then I could absolutely 100% understand dispatching such a creature in order to protect the life of a child. Gorillas are NOT carnivorous predators.

Everyone is going to have their own opinions and it never favors what the other wants to hear, regardless how much anyone tries to twist and pull it. I value all life as well, but will value my childs over my own and anyone/anything else. The so called experts arent really experts, they are just more knowledgeable, and possibly have years of contact with this certain species they are close to and "trust" this species with their child but still throw caution to the winds.... I have experiences with certain species but I still wouldnt "trust" my child unsupervised with them no matter what anyone or any "experts" say.... there is always that "Unpredictable" moment that can happen in a split second or blink of an eye. I know I poked and prodded through the thread here, but everyone needs to step back and re-evaluate life as it is. We are so brain washed into believing anythng and everything, everyone wants to sue everyone for anything and everything, but yet Man wont leave Nature alone and so failure is inevitable.
Throwing caution to the wind is letting your child "swim with the gorillas" like they said they were going to do.

Not charging the parents is complete BS. Killing a Gorilla that was a better parent than them is outrageous.
I think that would be the next argument Hoichi would make .. but, but, I said your children and unsupervised ....

Nope ... this is NOT what HOICHI said at all. What he did say was, that if a primatologist was fine with their children playing with gorillas then he would listen to their expert opinion. A video was furbished showing a primatologist's children playing with gorillas. When that video was furbished, Hoichi then moved the goalposts. I suspect he will continue to keep moving them with even further evidence that Harambe was shot unnecessarily.

I value life. I valued the life of the child and the Gorilla. It is my sincerest opinion that this member of an endangered species was killed unnecessarily due to fear and panic. The number of zoologists, primatoligists, gorilla behaviour experts, et. al. that are saying the same exact thing is growing daily. Harambe was trying to protect this child. He was killed for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

If this child fell into an alligator pit, or some other carnivorous predator's pit, then I could absolutely 100% understand dispatching such a creature in order to protect the life of a child. Gorillas are NOT carnivorous predators.

It does not matter how strong a Gorilla is, they can squash a coconut with their bare hands, because they actually understand what a coconut is. They understand the difference between a banana and a baby too.

ive asked you a fare bit of questions on thsi thread..
you've maneged to try to answer one with a vid showing kids playign with gorrilas..

your going to bet your childs life on one vid you've found on the net?

ive always pegged you to be a smarter type then that...

(shakes ehad)


i never moved the goal posts i asked you another question.
the first was re your cherished experts...
the second was for you
the second one you wont answer..because frankly i doubt you truly believe letting children have gorrila playdates is a good idea....regardless on what your arguing..

gorilas are not carnivorous predators.
but they are caged animals. 8 to ten times stronger then an adult human.
they are NOT in anyway domesticated animals.
we really cant bet children lives on your statements on safety..

considering you wont trust your own children lives to your own arguments re gorrila child playdate safety..

its hard to take you very seriously on this or any thread now really
so to safe alldeaf our silly circles here as we go round and round..
i accept your argument
gorillas are safe creatures and children should be able to play with them..

fair enough

moving on now..

(tonight i will watch planet of the apes....seems fitting)
Throwing caution to the wind is letting your child "swim with the gorillas" like they said they were going to do.

Not charging the parents is complete BS. Killing a Gorilla that was a better parent than them is outrageous.

can you have koko sign that for us...
its always better in asl..
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