Exactly! The unspoken attitude of pro oral only experts is that oral skills somehow 100% compensate, so that kids don't need 'terps and notetakers.
rick, um sorry, but this isn't a CI sucess vs. shel and jillo bemoaning the underacheivement of implantees.
I'm not surprised that there are kids who do very very well academicly. That said, it is not nessarily due to the implant. Rather it could be due to socioeconomic factors. Like, if they are from a family/suburb that places a high value on acheivement such as going to a "name brand" college, or that really places a premium on "enrichment activities, chances are they are going to follow the fold. However, NOT ALL kids have those advantages. There are STILL plenty of kids who are just dogpaddling around in the mainstream (ie doing OK, but not doing wicked good) as well as the type of kids that jillo and Shel see. You simply see a seletive population. If you saw the CI population as a whole, I think you'd understand better. It's exactly like how a public school in a high achieving suburb can turn out tons of kids who go to Harvard, Princeton and other highly selective schools. However, the public system also includes schools where graduating from eighth grade is a HUGE accomplishment, or where kids have classes in janitor closets.