warning for cell phone user...


Active Member
Mar 26, 2003
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that goes for people who use cell phone while ironing... heh

Yeah Poor guy...I cannot help it.. I laughed....
Oooohhh! That has to HURT!

I showed it to my hubby cuz he always has his cell phone nearby while ironing. He was like..."nope not gonna happen to me." We'll see about that. :giggle:
Hmm... I wonder if it's fake. Why else would you videotape that... as if you were expecting it? Heh!
:doh: shouldnt have done that!

but sorry to be honest.. I laugh so hard when I saw that.....

oops not funny that guy looks so much in painful....


Hmm... I wonder if it's fake. Why else would you videotape that... as if you were expecting it? Heh!

Yeah, it's staged... notice that cell phone is behind the iron.. if it was on the coffee table then may be different story.

And I think the Iron is not heated.

so you can say it is


but it's funny video anyway...
Speaking of cell phone, my daughter was telling me about her friend. His cell phone battery almost died so he decided to charge it up by plugging on the car battery while the car was running. Well, his cell phone burnt to crisp. That wasn't to swift to think about. Talk about stupidity.

That video, I don't hear a guy screaming for pain when he put his iron on his face. It could be an act or real life. If it's real, that's got to hurt. Anyway, it's funny to watch.