
I can't believe they did to that child! DAMN!! OH MY GOD!!!
Heath said:I think that responsiblity is probably taken up by muslim women who have a good heart for the children and do all they can to protect the kids as much as possible and these women may get some funding from human rights organizations as well as another organizations also, they may have to depend on policemen who are honest hardworking and will really seriously enforce the law concerning child abuse cases that the policemen take on. I don't think they have anything that extensive like what we have in the U.S.A.
CyberRed said:Thank you. I will check to see if they do have CPS for the children to protect their welfare. I know we have CPS in our country ( USA ), but in Iran ?? Not sure -- I will investigate about this matter. I've never seen anyone would do that to any small children like that in USA -- I mean in public.
MaxUFC said:Unfontunaley, we can do nothing about Iran's cultures. Iranians are not concerning about your anger. Yeah, their laws suck. Other countries got worse law than here (USA got worse law - lawsuits too many).
Oddly, USA are somewhere in Top five in the world of our people kill our other people aka gang rivals, rage road people, killing ex-lover/patners, killed by DUI drivers, etc.. than other countries with stupid laws
We gotta be lucky to live here nowdays. Like we can steal bread and will be slapping by the judge, not get your arm to be crsuh by tires or chop off by axe. We could get few years in jail after killing other people by DUI, ourselves. I am sure you people knew what is going on here with lousy laws to let crimial people free or another chance around states. So, this iranian people are very scare to break the laws than us here.
This iran boy was not lucky with poor teaching by his parent or just perform his magic??? Like the photos will giving million stories.
Nesmuth said:The Not Without My Daughter movie itself;
pretty much explains out the CPS system they have in Iran. Its run by the father with an obsession for his daughter upbringing.
WhoKnows said:That is very sad to see an innocent child being dangerously abused in stunt event. It is totally stupid act.
Askjo said:Well, you can compare Iran to Egypt. If anyone stole anything in Egypt, this criminal will lost one arm. What makes the difference between them?