Wanting to learn to drive


Active Member
Jul 30, 2016
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I have read up on my local government website and I do not have to declare that I have hearing loss in order to learn to drive.
But I wonder if I should still try find an instructor who deals with someone with disabilities. Advice please.
It may not be a bad idea, however, where ever you live I think in any state that they shouldn't need to label us as DHH or any disability on our driver licenses, which I think it absurd, this is just me speaking out loud here. However, if you feel you need an instructor who deals with this kind of thing, maybe you should consider it, for your benefit.

Fact: did you know that the deaf is not allowed to drive in Israel? I heard or read this somewhere. I can't imagine why they would do such a thing. I know this is off-topic, but it kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it.

I am sure you will make the right decision. :)
Deaf drivers are some of the safest, they don't use their ears to check for hazards, radio and mobile phones are less of a distraction, again I heard or read this somewhere a few years ago.
I have spoke with a few Friends, they suggested going with a instructor who understands disability as I won't get pushed to do a crash course. Also will get to learn in a calmer more sensitive situation than a main stream driving school who don't understand that i could not hear instructions. We all know too well how annoying people are when it comes to you having to ask "can you repeat that please"
If you can find an instructor which can cope up with the situation then it will be easier for you to learn how to drive. I, myself had a hard time, but my boyfriend told me to use my eyes in driving and after a month I got it. Just focus on the road, used your other senses to anticipate other drivers behavior.