Want your opinion: LG U900 VS iPhone

Oh boy, that's pretty bad business. Lucky, there is another store nearby for ya to get the cellphone you wanted.
Oh no, Jake You should stay for waiting line for opening store to get it. :roll:
What OS does the LG U900 run on?

It has its own OS runs by the LG it is V11 something... I have to check again but I can't be bothered to heck deeper.. The book is full of schitt.
lol, congrat on your new phone, you are too busy on sexy vista, little Bill Gates.

Where's your favorite red jacket? :hmm:
What red jacket?


j/k :lol:
I ain't no bill gates, unless you have seen my vlogs :o
I no longer own LG u990 - I am now a Blackberry owner. :o

Enough said.
Not anymore, son - I am a iphone owner...:o
Yeah, almost all know that you currently are iOwner. but *Cough!*.... why you try to make....thread necromancy ? .... *cough!*, excuse me *ahem*.... -nothing personal-
