Want to meet me?

Watch out for who you advertise to meet online.... lots of creepers... :ugh: Haven't you seen any of these news stories out there about Craigslist killers and all that stuff!? Be careful out there... There are lots of people on this site who aren't Deaf and just pop in to come seeking marriage and other weirdo things like that.... :ugh: You never know.... :ugh: Just saying....
Yeah definitely be careful about meeting people online! The other day I met some girl and now she keeps whining that her handcuffs are too tight and she keeps wanting to get outside of the cage. Some weirdos out there I tell you!
I am hearing but can sign, and I'd really like to meet deaf people, but I'll chat either way :)

hunny you put yourself into dangerous position all forums got bad people reading post...Why don't you find deaf club some clubs have nights for the hearing to practice..Looking at your time of posting I would think bsl not asl
Just use caution especially when you meet people from the internet world. It's very different world than it is in real life world.
sweetie you need to be more careful like mewtilation said, theres a lot of weirdos and creepers on here i am sure by reading all of the other threads i have seen. just be careful and just stay safe dont give out personal information unless you really know the person for awhile
Watch out for who you advertise to meet online.... lots of creepers... :ugh: Haven't you seen any of these news stories out there about Craigslist killers and all that stuff!? Be careful out there... There are lots of people on this site who aren't Deaf and just pop in to come seeking marriage and other weirdo things like that.... :ugh: You never know.... :ugh: Just saying....

Philip Markoff - The Craigslist Killer

This happen in my state, it was all over the news
LOL. You guys seem to think I'm going to meet some random person I don't even know. This is not the case. I only want ONLINE friends to discuss deaf culture with. I'm very careful not to end up in a skin suit lol
LOL. You guys seem to think I'm going to meet some random person I don't even know. This is not the case. I only want ONLINE friends to discuss deaf culture with. I'm very careful not to end up in a skin suit lol

ha ha I dont blame you for that.. unfortunately on alldeaf forum, there are too many late deaf, hoh in hearing world, or deaf oral in hearing world more than Deaf peeps with Deaf culture. i guess Deaf peeps are out there..
You could walk out your front door tomorrow and be stabbed to death by a passing lunatic, it doesn't mean you should cower inside your home just in case. Safe and sensible, which is what Lizzie's post is.
LOL. You guys seem to think I'm going to meet some random person I don't even know. This is not the case. I only want ONLINE friends to discuss deaf culture with. I'm very careful not to end up in a skin suit lol

I going by your title of your thread , it sound like you wanted to meet someone in person .
LOL. You guys seem to think I'm going to meet some random person I don't even know. This is not the case. I only want ONLINE friends to discuss deaf culture with. I'm very careful not to end up in a skin suit lol

I'm not sure as far as the Deaf to late deaf percentage goes on the site, but I know I see a lot of student posters and a lot of people looking for Deaf friends... so I'm sure those outnumber the amount of Deaf people by a lot.... a lot a lot. You're more likely to find another student to interact with in all honesty. Speaking from myself personally, I don't exactly go out seeking to make friends with ASL students simply based on their appreciation of my culture.... but that's just my take.

I find a lot of students come on here having this new found ( or found whichever ) appreciation for Deaf culture. I can appreciate this, don't get me wrong. However, that is no reason for me to want to start or build a conversation or friendship with someone. I build and start friendships with people based on similar interests and various things of the sort. People come here and 99% of the time say "My name is xxxx and I love Deaf culture and want to meet Deaf people and talk about Deaf culture because I'm so fascinated by it blah blah xxxxx blah blah xxx some more. I have a deep respect and pride for my culture... but to meet people and start friendships based solely on this topic would end in a lot of disappointment as sooner or later I would find we would probably share no common interests and we would part ways. Making friends with someone because of their appreciation of Deaf culture would be no better than me only affiliating with Romanians because of their love and appreciation for Romanian culture. I affiliate with people based on common interests, beliefs and standpoints because that is how we make friends and affiliate... that's how humans work... or well, most of us. Again, I can appreciate someone who appreciates Deaf culture and wants to learn more about it... but the luck of coming here and finding an actual Deaf / HoH person immersed in Deaf culture to converse with an ASL student is very slim. Again, that's just my blunt to the point take on it... Take it as you will. *shrug*
I'm not sure as far as the Deaf to late deaf percentage goes on the site, but I know I see a lot of student posters and a lot of people looking for Deaf friends... so I'm sure those outnumber the amount of Deaf people by a lot.... a lot a lot….
There may be more student members but their per capita posting is minor compared to Deaf posters. Most of the student posters rarely get out of double digit numbers of posts. They sign up and post in order to fulfill some class requirement, then disappear.
Yep, not as many culturally Deaf people like back in 2006 when I first joined.
That is true.... HALLO!!! Help me with my assignment... NO! GTFO... poof... gone.

As for culturally Deaf versus deaf... In the back of my head I know who is when they post if they are a frequent poster... However, I couldn't tally it up right on a whim or tell you numbers. I'm sure there are most certainly more deaf than Deaf members... but I notice that number is on the rise everywhere, not just on the site. My coffee group has seen a huge drop in the Deaf attendees over the past while...

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