Want to know your crime?

Originally posted by Fly Free
well thats a first ive been called a him in a long while LOLOL forgiven ofc Deafgal :)

ofc visitations in prisons are allowed -- depending on their security measures -- some allow face 2 face others with window in between

*gets all the stuff from the outside from javapride* ohhhhhh tsk tsk some are contraband!! :shock:

Ooooooooooooooooooooooh!!!!!!!!!!! *embarassed* I am so sorry about that... I just wasn't sure cuz I hadn't seen any reference to you (whether you were female or male until just the last post I was doing in another thread). Thanks for forgiving me...
care to explain to me what heck is that word mean ?? Dubious cuz i never heard of that words before ...
Originally posted by knightwolf68
care to explain to me what heck is that word mean ?? Dubious cuz i never heard of that words before ...

which word???? Dodgy is just a fun quiz site about the possible crimes you've done. It's fun. Take it take it take the quiz!!!!!
lol... lazy dude don't want to look it up... Here ya go. Hope I was helpful.

Main Entry: du·bi·ous
Pronunciation: 'dü-bE-&s also dyü-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin dubius, from dubare to vacillate; akin to Latin duo two -- more at TWO
Date: 1548
1 : giving rise to uncertainty: as a : of doubtful promise or outcome <a dubious plan> b : questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality <the practice is of dubious legality> <the dubious honor of being the world's biggest polluter>
2 : unsettled in opinion : DOUBTFUL <I was dubious about the plan>
synonym see DOUBTFUL
- du·bi·ous·ly adverb
- du·bi·ous·ness noun
Originally posted by deafgal01
lol... lazy dude don't want to look it up... Here ya go. Hope I was helpful.

Main Entry: du·bi·ous
Pronunciation: 'dü-bE-&s also dyü-
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin dubius, from dubare to vacillate; akin to Latin duo two -- more at TWO
Date: 1548
1 : giving rise to uncertainty: as a : of doubtful promise or outcome <a dubious plan> b : questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality <the practice is of dubious legality> <the dubious honor of being the world's biggest polluter>
2 : unsettled in opinion : DOUBTFUL <I was dubious about the plan>
synonym see DOUBTFUL
- du·bi·ous·ly adverb
- du·bi·ous·ness noun
yeah i am lazy dude !! otherwise i am at work thats different story !! :laugh2: BTW, MANY THANKS DEAFGAL01 and pppffftttt to Cheleler !
This web site screwed up my internet explorer. Now, even at full screen, there is a gap on top of the window :mad2:
Bet you didn't think you'd be on the wrong side of the law when you started this quiz? Thought you were sweet and innocent? Well maybe you should swot up on the law. Otherwise you never know when you might get a knock on the door…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 12 Potential fine: £2000

having a bad moment matty darling?? did the coppers start chasing u again??? :-X im sorry im being mean here ur too sweet to take on my jokes like that
i was keep wonder how much is that fine in american money for london money .... ???? anybody can help me out with it ?
Originally posted by knightwolf68
i was keep wonder how much is that fine in american money for london money .... ???? anybody can help me out with it ?

K is an expert on that! I :dunno: Sowwy. :(
How refreshing that there are still people around like you, who respect society and the law. Your Grandparents would be proud. You have a good knowledge of the law and a good public spirit, or you have rarely left the house… Either way - keep it up old fruit!

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 12.5 Potential fine: £7000

*Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.

Have you ever given or recived oral sex? I clicked "yes" and the description says, "No problem in the UK as long as you are not in public, but in Minnestota this is illegal even if you are doing it in private!"

ehhh MzGiglz do you have anything to say about this? *laughing*
Originally posted by javapride
having a bad moment matty darling?? did the coppers start chasing u again??? :-X im sorry im being mean here ur too sweet to take on my jokes like that
LOL. You ain't mean. Nah, for some reason, that site messed up my IE. I logged off my private logon and went under the regular police logon, and then came back, and my window was fine.
Bet you didn't think you'd be on the wrong side of the law when you started this quiz? Thought you were sweet and innocent? Well maybe you should swot up on the law. Otherwise you never know when you might get a knock on the door…

Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*:

Years in prison: 23 Potential fine: £7000

OMG! I'm worse than AuntieLizachicky! :laugh2:

I was :twisted: in my younger days LOL