CODAchild & Jolie_77- They are new female modeator and doing great job.
Alex- He's nice and some of match to my personal like love plaboy and drink beers, also he's great creator of AD.
Roadrunner- I had talked to him sometime on AIM and help me about what make mistake on AD.
Linux- He's big fan of SK3 and see him in technology section, also he's nice to me.
Vamp- I talked to him sometime on AIM too but not much what doing with him and he's nice and help me to resize picture for avatar and signature.
BabyAngel- Not know about her alot, she's cool to me.
LakeTahoe- Not know about her too, also she's good member and enjoy watch her son's graduation in video.
LuciaDisturbed- Now, she's much known of member enough and see her on AD everyday, also she's funny and beat Heath out of his ass. Who cares if call her "Super Twisted".
Steel- Since he don't like my quote about Heath then no offense... He's cool member and got little debate on PS3. Steel, Better now???
SxyPorkie- I know her in some part, she's nice member and talk her on AIM too.
Neecy- I know her from CI/HA section and not alot of start debate with between CI and HA. She's nice member and got good grade in college since wear CI.
Angel and Cheri- I know about them for long time and they are so nice to me.
sjones4dad- I know about him from gaming board ad used start big debate with him but not anymore. He's cool and encourage me to get Xbox 360 back.
XBGMER- I talked to him on AIM and he's funny, also he's true fanboy against PS2 and Treo.
Nascar Zing- I know about him too, also he's cool and big fan of Nascar.
DefMATRIXense- He's most know about me since talk to him on AIM so much and he's cool to me.
Neo and Deafclimber- I know about them from technology section and used start debate with them between Treo/PDA and SK3. They are cool to me...
EDGE- Know about him but eek...
then he's just BIGGEST fan of Nintendo and prove that Nintendo is good for adult, then I don't believe him. He's cool with me but doing bad with debate on SK3 and PS2/PS3. He make me laugh so bad... Want hear about his story to kill Sony.