Real Life..I've met....
Alex... really wanting have fun and nice gentlemen ever I met him real life..
RoadRunner.. Quite mellow and seriouis man have discuss to talk and also willing listening anyone feel want to talk... He have wonderful heart and welcomes you.. One day, you and I would love to go out at casino and to have play texas hold'em poker... let's bring along w/your friends *pssst* don't forget bring your future wife.. (chuckles) of course bring your future sister in law.. (chuckles)
^Angel^, She's nice woman..I'm tell'n you ya... Tend to talk and open heart welcomes warming feels alike generously more than that. She's quite NICE!! I lurv her really made me felt alike "Blue Friends"
Cheri, I lurv her and way her act so seriouisly fun woman and want to have fun and talk humor sense.. When Cheri and I are chatting while walking around and pretty fun tend talk more.. LOL Love it.. Honestly I would have her room mate again... when somewhere have vacation again.. *chuckles*
Vampy, He is very talkactive and open mind understand to talk anything when I'm talk.. Actually He quite willing open listening... Pretty nice have him around.. He's cool in my book.. actually isn't same on line AD... Real life is totally so DIFFERENT compare than internet on line... Near the future, I would love to meet him again!
RebelGirl, She is very illiegent woman and open mind talk.. Honestly she's cool in my book.. I would love to meet her again..
TweetyBird, Honestly, She is sweet woman ever I met.. when I chat w/her.. quite funny and trying to tease anyone.. She is cool.. Actually I see her.. wow break my breath away, quite she's tall woman..
LovelyBlkGal, She is quiet woman and can be funny when everyone who tease or picking on her... Tend to laugh... Nice!
Soonerseth, He's nice man and love to curiouis talk anyone.. Quite Honestly He's nice man ever I met.. I'm glad he's here on AD Cancus... Impressive he's brave and shown everyone he can go travelling anywhere...
DreamDeaf, She is funny woman and tend to talk openily discuss and ahead of planning.. Excellent woman ever I met her.. She's impressive woman and cool in my book!
MizzDeaf, She is fun as same DreamDeaf.. When she trying to scold DD pretty funny and tend to laugh front of us.. Pretty funny honestly and cool in my book too...
on VP...
LakeTahoe, She is fun and tend to talk anything general... Nice woman is cool in my book..... Welcome you vp w/me sometime.. when I settle new home...
Horselover, She is lovely woman and talk mostly about her son and lifestyles much more.. I would love to tease her and make her laugh... anytime welcome vp sometime... when I settle new home...
Did I miss anyone more ???