Walking while Deaf

Hoichi, am curious if you think some of your awareness could be your martial arts background?
I know for me, part of what I was taught <though i certainly wouldn't call myself a "martial artist" by any degree> is to be aware of your surrroudings... to have an idea of "what if...that and that?"..."where could i go, what would i like my response to be"....to just...notice peoples body language, expression movements

i have always been very visually oriented before I -knew- i'd lost some hearing, and had a "gut sense" that- while not always "on"/perfect", i do rely on-
Hoichi, am curious if you think some of your awareness could be your martial arts background?
I know for me, part of what I was taught <though i certainly wouldn't call myself a "martial artist" by any degree> is to be aware of your surrrousdings... to have an idea of "what if...that and that?"..."where could i go, what would i like my response to be"....to just...notice peoples body language, expression movements

i have always been very visually oriented before I -knew- i'd lost some hearing, and had a "gut sense" that- while not always "on"/perfect", i do rely on-

for sure, and ive just always been switched "on". When im out..
Human biengs are evil bastards....
Act accordingly......
most people are ewsy picking...the best thing ine can do is be aware of who around you not only is a threat but whos easier picking...
Wnd just like animals most will go for the easy prey..
Which these days are the ones walking aroins with their ehwds burried into their phones, are femal, are young, are not srmed, and are clueless...alone, at night, so on so forth...
It seems to me society is getting dumbed down by design.
Keep vigilent. Dont.be the victim...
Someone, close, is watching waiting to get you.....
I pulled some veey stupid and extrememly crazy stuff when i lived in mexico...
Im alive due to just plwin wnd simple luck..
bieng young and stupid...i wasnt fully aware how close i was to being just another nsmeless murdered...bieng w crazy cringo hekoed, bieng a crwzy cringo Deafie...just wdded spice i guess...
But now...jusy the thought of.the stunts i pulled send shivers down my spine....(shskes head)...
being aware starts with knowing where you shoukd be and when, wnd with whom, and where you shouldnt be, when and who you shoulsnt be with..
Stay safe ladies...
I walk with 2 friends, Smith and Wesson. I am told they get loud, do not know about that. :lol:

Happy to live in an open carry state. Wyoming...

I wish I did, and I need to start taking my gun with me more often because I tend to find myself in isolated areas. I walk with my hearing aids off - not the smartest thing I know but I dread the sirens and motorcycles that roar by me that seem to take forever to pass.


Reading this thread has made me shudder. We here in Canada have a totally different gun culture than the Americans. We don't even have a gun culture. At least I don't think we do. We don't stroll around with guns. Even at night. If we do walk at night, we take precautions as much as we can. No guns though. We use our wits, senses, street smarts and common sense.

I can't even imagine walking along wondering which pedestrian is packing. :(

Reading this thread has made me shudder. We here in Canada have a totally different gun culture than the Americans. We don't even have a gun culture. At least I don't think we do. We don't stroll around with guns. Even at night. If we do walk at night, we take precautions as much as we can. No guns though. We use our wits, senses, street smarts and common sense.

I can't even imagine walking along wondering which pedestrian is packing. :(
Ya American gun culture is strange, especially when you look at statistics that say if you own a gun your chances of being shot by a gun go up dramatically. I don't get it personally, but then lots of people don't understand statistics (as is shown by the popularity of things like lotteries and casinos).

To each their own, though, I guess. Sometimes I feel like I should really look consider moving to Canada.
Ya American gun culture is strange, especially when you look at statistics that say if you own a gun your chances of being shot by a gun go up dramatically. I don't get it personally, but then lots of people don't understand statistics (as is shown by the popularity of things like lotteries and casinos).

To each their own, though, I guess. Sometimes I feel like I should really look consider moving to Canada.

Sadly... suisides are generally included into that statistics and one thing that people fail to realize is that a gun for personal protection and very little to no training is sad... for your chances of getting shot also increase because they get shot with their own gun when it is turned against them ...
Canadian culture has been vastly reengeenered the last 50 years....
It depends where you are too.
Way up north...it is not uncommon, while out to have a rifle with you, and see others with rifles...i mean north, as in yokun north...or any place that way...your not going to want to be wandering around without a rifle..
Human meat is very very tasty.....
Other then that we dont have a gun culture like the yanks. We still have the right to own guns, rifles as well as pistols, semi autos so on..all can be bought legally and owned. If you pass a simple test exam, which indeed is truly simple. I did and passed mine at the royal military institue in toronto, before they knocked it down for condos...that was a badass place, the royal library with all the war booty taken from dead african cheifs during brit conquests was neat...and the rcmp gives the ok for you to own them..(i was refused, i applied for the hell of it, ..haha. but i passed the exam i aced it..). If you have a record of an indictable offence what the yanks call a felony...you will NOT be legally permitted to own firearms..the mounties have no sense of humur with it..and are sticky with it...-)
Anyway the big difference is this..
You wont permited to conceal carry a pistol in canada. You wont be permited to open.carry a pistol in canada. Technicaly they state it depends on the case and application...it wont happen. Unless your a retired spook or something, a cop, or some such state entity...
Your liscence, your pal (permision to aquire) is for restricted firearms. (Pistols), non ristricted you dont need one..those are rifles..shutguns so on...
Its been awhile since i kept up, maybe some.lingo has changed..anyway
The other big difference is in.the castle doctrine...when it comes.to owning.fire arms..the gov only accepts two reasons. Sport. Or collecting...self.defence is NOT one..when.it comes to.restricted...
So the state will throw the book at you , if your home, some dude breaks in, he has a gun you shoot and kill him...expect a very long.wait in jail and trail...your better tobgut him like a fish with a sickle or anything then shoot him...granted in some cases after a ruined life and years fighting the state people have been.found innocent...its.the way it..fair warning..self defence with a firearm here is a bad idea...use a hammer, beat him to death,,,or anything, your better for it really...
Besides the above. When it comes to restricted, most fireaems yanks.can get we can..besides the aks so on...
But again.you go through the north, and rurual, every home has a gun...
Canada isnt toronto...big cities here are just that...the rest is frontier...your on your own...
Dont be eaten..
Canadians taste great...oh but a good fact to keep in mind is this..
The above only applies.to law abiding people..criminals here are armed to the teeth.
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And to add to what hoichi so eloquently brought up about the the differences between here and the US, I would like to state that I have never ever seen a pistol other than cap pistols. I haven't seen them in people's homes either. I did however see a few hunting rifles. A few of them. Locked up in the gun cases, usually out in plain sight. I even handled a rifle once. I even fired a bb gun a few times back when I was a teen, shooting at trees out in the forest. I think I missed them all lol.

Anyhow as to what hoichi said about the rifles or pistols being common in the rural areas, I disagree with him. They're not that common out there. An odd rifle here and there. However in the Yukon/Whitehorse/Nunavut areas (the far north where polar bears rule), ya wouldn't want to be caught without one. That there I do agree with hoichi.

Wait!! Yeah I had seen pistols a few times! In the cops' holsters!

As Nic said, the chances of you being shot at rises exponentially when you personally own a pistol. Stats says so. Think about it.

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