Interesting thread.
I haven't shop at Wal-Mart for over five years now. I already know how evil Wal-Mart corporation is which is why I stopped shopping there long time ago.
Some of people said that Wal-Mart is very cheap... That is not true. If you do your research, you will be surprised that Wal-Mart is expensive store and you waste your money on it. The fact that Target is cheaper than Wal-Mart but got better quality products too. Target's well known quate, "Expect More, Pay Less" which means you get product that last long time and save alot of money. For example, if you get 6 packs of paper towel for just three dollars. At Wal-Mart, one paper towel costs 1.97. Think about it, 6 x 1.97 for 6 paper towels. That is expensive and completely rip off. Sure some products at Wal-Mart is cheap but bad quality which become expensive for you to buy it to replace it. Target got better quality products that last for really long time. I suggest anyone to go both Wal-Mart and Target stores and compare their prices. You guys will be surprised when you find out the results.
As for Wal-Mart lovers, if you spend a cent on Wal-Mart, do you have any clue where your cent goes to? It goes to China so these Wal-Mart factories to tortune on Chinese workers and beat them to death to do their jobs. Wal-Mart is an extremely conversative republican company that supports sexism, racism, audism, homophobicism, and perfectism. Wal-Mart is hurting US economy big time by shutting down US factories, pop & mom businesses by opening their stores in their neighborhoods and buy the products from China. You Wal-Mart lovers are supporting the corporation that is very harmful toward to ours society. Please think twice before you spend a cent there.
About Target... Many people who are against Target just because Target is very liberal company that happens to have its own political opinions. The fact, Target is very supportive company that donate over two million dollars every week on education, communities, and provide jobs to the communities. Target attracts businesses when they opens new stores in the neighborhoods then more and more retailers, restaurants, offices, and services come in and create hundreds to thousands of new jobs in the community. Wal-Mart does not do that just driving businesses out of business. Target is only store that sells GBLT movies and you can find hundreds of them on
I support Target even I don't shop there often just one or two times every few months. I only shop there for personal items. I refuse to spend one cent on Wal-Mart since I don't support their actions.
To the person who claimed about the discrimination on Best Buy, you should report it to the corporation. Inform them what happened. I know few deaf people work at Best Buy stores at the west coast. I am sure that Best Buy you applied for has bad management with serious ethical issues. Best Buy corporation should take care of it. If you haven't hear anything from them at least two weeks then hire a lawyer and sue them for violated ADA and civil right. Good luck![/QUOTE
Will share that info to my friend who is a Wal-Fart fanantic...she thinks she is getting good deals but I noticed the same things about the prices and quality too...