Wal-Mart announcement tells 'all black people' to leave store

The way I look at it and I know this is difficult to do, but we all gotta realize that even though words may hurt, but it can't be any worse than say a person with a double wide fist making a landing in your face, crushing in your nose and cheekbones. Now that's a world of a hurt!

But like I said, words can hurt, but certainly by no means a physical harm.

That's just me,


Words can hurt.

It's how the Holocaust went under the radar.
Adult have the responsibility of clearly communicating to kids what is acceptable and what is totally inappropriate. Logical consequences are appropriate here.
What would be a fit punishment for this 16 year old? It needs to be something to where this young kid would never ever think of doing something like this again.

It should be educational .... he isn't quite mature enough to realize just how evil his actions were.

Any suggestions?

Send him to Fisk University for a 2 week stay in the dorms.