VRS is fucking cool!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Mar 3, 2003
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Video Relay Service you can sign than typing what u saying :) I use my first VRS afew mintue ago for calling whoever I made up lol what a fine chick. She is pretty latin lady. after hanging up, I told her thanks for interprating and I am sorry that i can not my eyes off at you. she was laughing and smile at me..

here it is , https://www.ip-relay.com/index.htm
Ooh...I can use the ipr-relay online to call anyone in USA...but Australia's slow in getting technology up to date for the deaf to access both online and offline as well.
At least it's a big improvement since 1998 for captions on tv. When I first moved here - only about 15% of tv programs were captions! :jaw: shocking, I know. But nowadays, it's gone up to at least 45%, better...but still a long ways to go.

I miss USA and the high tech stuff we had access to. :P At least, the option of moving back to USA is still open, :lol:

VRS, just be a little polite... and all that, please... WILL you people?

Sometimes people wouldn't want any of this, "you hot" or something. just give some respect, people
I prefer to type as I learn how to spelling well. The bad thing, I am not good by catch the finger-spelling. :o
Originally posted by Justin Sane
VRS is for people talk bad engrish.
??? VRS's for people with bad english typing??? Not always! I have a good engish, and I like to use VRS better than TTY for long distance because talking to a VRS operator cut 1/2 to 3/4 of your time talking with somebody which u use TTY to talk to a specific person that will take eternity to finish the conversation... I once use Ip-Relay to chat with my sister from Colorado while I was in maryland, we talked about 6 minutes... then I call the next day evening, I talked to my sis about 4 min telling her what I have done on that day. My sister go whoa to VRS that VRS talked too fast because I sign fast to VRS and VRS didn't complain at all ;)
I enjoy VRS more than text relay service. It is easier to convey emotions and feelings on the phone. My family love using the VRS because it is faster to use and don't have to say "GA" or "SK" and wait and wait for me to finish typing.
jst tested it out works pretty god, i cant use the sign part cuz i dont know sign lang, but i did use the typing relay, about the same as using my TTY, a bit slower
Deaf258 said:
I enjoy VRS more than text relay service. It is easier to convey emotions and feelings on the phone. My family love using the VRS because it is faster to use and don't have to say "GA" or "SK" and wait and wait for me to finish typing.

Then get your family their own video-phone at www.d-link.com called i2eye at http://www.d-link.com/products/?model=DVC-1000 for only $299 then you can chat with them without need of CA!

both are same thing but the difference is software and log. VRS load their own and D-Link load their own but both can be connected because of same technology.
$299??? Sorenson VP-100 is FREE!! Just need to use relay service at least 30 mins every month. Dont wait, go and get it now!!
wizard said:
$299??? Sorenson VP-100 is FREE!! Just need to use relay service at least 30 mins every month. Dont wait, go and get it now!!

I thought Deaf258's family are hearing, if so why would they need that VP-100 if they don't use VRS? that's why I mentioned D-Link's so they bypass the need of CA (Communication Assistant) and 30 min per month requirement. That means deaf(vp-100) and hearing(i2eye) relative can chat one on one
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deaf258, what do with videophone? wonder if that carry it out to anywhere, set up vrs?
Private? no problem!


Good news, we are currently working on that. It should be out sooner. I'll post on it soon.


illustrator said:
I don't like it. I don't appericate watch the ugly agent. :ugh:

I prefer private.
wizard said:
$299??? Sorenson VP-100 is FREE!! Just need to use relay service at least 30 mins every month. Dont wait, go and get it now!!

Now, it is no longer a requirement to use for 30 minutes. You can get it for free and not have to call VRS unless you need to.
illustrator said:
I don't like it. I don't appericate watch the ugly agent. :ugh:

I prefer private.

Okay, drink 6 cans of beer, then the agent would start "lookin' purdy" for ya! ;)
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