vr pigeon holing people into jobs

ok I went to the benefit place and they said dont worry a job you dont need one
ok I went to the benefit place and they said dont worry a job you dont need one

Good to hear. Most of the comments in here are from those that did not realize you are a student, or have forgotten the drain on you when you try to work and go to school.

You had listed yourself as a student, I am guessing you are a full time student in college from you user name (23). My question to you would be how many hours of coursework are you taking this semester? If you are a full time student, and have the funding to do it, stay as a full time student. If you are a part time student, yes, you should have a outside job.

As a rule a thumb, each Credit Hour = 3 hours per week. If you are taking full time status (12h+) then you are already "working" the same as 36+ hours of "work" work per week. The MOST you are to work in a given week is a total of 60 hours max.. So, if you are "working" 36 hours for school.. the only amount of hours you should work in a outside job would be 10 hours, 20 hours MAX. Most helpdesk type jobs do not work well with this limited hours unless you are doing a internship.

I am a part time student, working 45 hours a week at a job, than trying to push 9 CR-H of college. (that is equal to 27 hours of school and 45 hours of work, not counting driving time, that totals 72hours a week). I am pushing it too hard this semester, and if I knew about the 60h rule when picking classes, I would have taken a lighter workload. TRUST me, it is not worth it.
Course is going great but in saying that we are not going to be spending ANY time on the phone. We are doing all theory units.

I need to get over the guilt I feel about getting mangers of the Asia/Pacific region of (enter name of big company) to wear the fm receiver
ok got an email from the retailer of the keyboard to say they needed my address. vr dont not send notification. but at least they have funded it