VP-200 & Airport Extreme Base Station-How??


New Member
Aug 24, 2008
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Need help with settings for VP-200 to work with AXBS. I used to have old router DLink and it works fine with my current VP-200. Thought I would upgrade it with AXBS. I have been wrestling with it and could not get VP-200 to work with AXBS. I can get directory. I can call. But, I kept getting black screen. People can see me when I vp them but I cant see them. I did check enable default hosting and gave it same ip address ***.***.***.*** that was assigned to VP-200 under old router Dlink. Yet, no luck! Help!!

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Your IP address ***.***.***.*** is your routers IP address, it will always be that, no matter what kind of router you have, your IP Address however, is different. you can go to Your IP Address is ***.***.***.*** to find out your actual IP Addres. it sounds like your having problems with your router though.

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Sorry, aslusers. I don't want to go off-topic but the IP address caught my attention.

I typed in the IP address given in post #2 and I saw this:

"Apache is working on your cPanel® and WHM™ Server"

You might want to hide your IP address.
Found solution!!!

Airport software is the issue. VP-200 is not compatible with version 7.3.2 (latest airport utility). You have to downgrade from 7.3.2 to 7.2.1 and bingo it works! I told Sorsenson that they should have share the knowledge base to all users so they can take care of it at their ends. So simple!

All I have to do is click the summary section of Airport Utility and click the word "version" and the menu will come down to four options (7.3.2; 7.3.1; 7.2.2 or 7.2.1) I clicked 7.2.1 and clicked Upgrade. Airport Extreme Base Station (AEXBS) and it restarted. VP-200 work beautifully.