So it's OK to risk destroying the economy if you feel the bill is lobsided. Otherwise, you're a terrorist. Okey dokey... But was it really so lobsided? The cut, cap, and balance bill had 2/3 support according to a CNN poll:
CNN Poll: Strong partisan divide on debt ceiling – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
It hasn't been thwarted yet, but it has been challenged. Famous examples include, well, the entire Democrat caucus in the Senate in 2006, including Harry Reid and Barack Obama, both of whom spoke out against it:
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote
I guess you could say they knew it would pass (although 52 votes is pretty close) and they were just being shameless politicians, but with this latest bill, it was a nail biter, and half the Democrats in the House voted against it because they didn't like what was in it. If the vote had gone their way, the debt ceiling would not have passed on time and we would be living the consequences. It's okay, you know, to admit when your party did something wrong.
By the way, I was pretty upset with the Republicans who rejected Boehner's first bill last Thursday. That one was likely to pass the Senate and I thought they were, well, stupid to block it. But terrorists? No. Same goes for the Democrats who opposed this. Irresponsible? Yes. Terrorists? No.