I just hate these 4x4 owners who had ego problem thinking that it is ok to speeding on icy and slippery roads. They are just plain IDIOTS!
I own two 4x4 and I know its limitation, it can get you going much faster, but made no difference when it comes to braking comparing to standard 2 wheel drive.
Even if driver got best tires, it can not beat ICE, ICE always wins no matter what!
I wish I can say, HEY IDIOTS, SLOW DOWN!
Clearing highway is not easy as you think. If the road temperature is below theresold, it acts like glue to snow and ice, plower can not remove that. Also, if they drop salt below specific temperature, it will not melt but accumulate ice which can be disaster. Sand is best when below 15 degrees I think. So again plower can not make road 100% clear.