Vote for Barney

Where did my posts in this thread went? :confused:

Same with my posts??? :confused:

They were deleted because I made the fatal mistake of saying "can we puhleeeeeze get back to the topic at hand." I wasn't really complaining—you guys were playing right into it and setting me up perfectly for the one-liners. But somebody who doesn't understand how humor works took it upon themselves to ruin the set-up. This is why bbnt and everybody else who understood and appreciated satirical humor left a long time ago.
your foriegn policy is a lot like prison sex id imagine. Up the ass, unwanted and people hate you afterwords. Oh wait thats George Bush, sorry.
Looks like I was wrong. The posts were deleted at the request of another member.
your foriegn policy is a lot like prison sex id imagine. Up the ass, unwanted and people hate you afterwords. Oh wait thats George Bush, sorry.

That's right. I have a "hands off" foreign policy. That's cuz I got no hands. I'm no Bush, even though I service one. Here's my game plan: to build a new military. A million talking dildos, all heavily armed. So I'm looking to open negotiations with countries who can supply me with the raw materials I need to accomplish this. I need thousands of metric tons of the highest quality purple resin, solenoids, batteries (LOTS of batteries), you get the idea.
I am not gonna vote you, Barney but I am gonna vote my favorite color Purple. Sorry! :giggle:
I have decided to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2010. I feel that the time has come for a dildo to take high office. I realize you haven't treated me with much respect in the past. You have ridiculed me, insulted me, and made me feel like I don't belong in civilized company. But all that has to change. The time has come for a purple vibrator to be Commander In Chief. I need your help. Are you all with me on this?
What are you talking about. There is a dildo in office right now. His name is George W. :rofl: And barney.. I think you have an identity crisis. You are not a dildo.. you are a vibrator. And for the last time... pleeeeeease take a bath.. you still smell like tuna that was dipped in anus!
Now you're getting it. This country will go down the toilet no matter who's in the Oval Office. So just grab the brass ring and enjoy the ride.