Vote 2004: Pros and Cons for CLARK



Why is Wesley Clark better than Bush?

We may discuss about them..

List of reasons why is he better than Prez bush?
He plans to appoint judges who are committed to upholding the law - including the ADA - instead of imposing their personal ideology on it.

Propose an Americans with Disability Restoration Act to reinstate the originally intended definitions of disability and reasonable accommodation, which the Rehnquist Court has persistently whittled away.

Encourage employment for people with disabilities by demanding appropriate hiring practices within my own administration, implementing President Clinton's executive order calling for 100,000 more disabled employees in federal government service, and changing federal contracting practices. I pledge that individuals with disabilities will be well represented both in and by my administration.

Reform federal programs so that disabled people do not lose health care or social security benefits when they earn income through work, and abolish fully and immediately the Disabled Veterans Tax, which penalizes disabled American veterans who earn retirement benefits and disability compensation.

Ban discrimination based on sexual orientation. We should make sure that the Civil Rights Act bans discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and sexual orientation.

Ensure that everyone can serve. I believe that the military needs to rethink the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. It does not serve this country to discriminate against people who want to serve in our armed forces. I would ask the military to craft and implement a policy that ensures that everyone who wants to serve their country is permitted to do so with honor and dignity. I would ask the military to look seriously at the British policy, which prohibits sexual misconduct by both heterosexuals and homosexuals. I would then submit the new policy to Congress to replace the current "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" law.

Reproductive freedom.
I'm pro-choice. The government has no business coming between a woman, her family, and her doctor in making such a personal, private decision. Every woman deserves complete information and access to birth control so that families can be planned and so that every child is a wanted child. I will oppose measures that interfere with the ability of woman and her doctors to make choices about her reproductive health.

Equal economic opportunity.
Opportunity starts with jobs-which is why I want to repeal Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy and invest $100 billion in a job creation plan. But we also need to make sure that women have equal opportunities in the workplace. I think we need to take proactive steps to do that. As a start, we need to eliminate the pay gap. Until women in this country earn 100 cents on the dollar - all of us are being shortchanged.


I've read everything I could about the General Wesley Clark, and the more I read, the more I was convinced that Clark is the better President for our country.....

He will bring a higher standard of leadership to women's issues....Clark stand on education , health care , jobs and family issues...His lifetime of leadership while served in the US. Army demonstrates ...He is serious about implementing his policies.....

Clark will restore progressivity to tax code, relieve the working-family and reduce poverty...Unlike President Bush's policies, which have been highly regressive and have dramatically increased...

Under Clark's reform:

* Families will not need to file tax return
* 3.2 million lower income taxpayers will be taken off the tax rolls
* Encouraging opportunity & responsibilty by making work pay
* Reduce or eliminate the marriage penalty for million of low-income familes
* Helping squeezed middle-class families making up to 100,000 will get a tax cut.
* Helping single parents.
* Reducing the marriage penalty for low-income couples.

Bush tax cuts have made the country poorer :(

I think Wes Clark's vision for the future of American home in the world as well as in Iraq is truly inspiring. He has the necessary understanding and skill to fix the mess Bush created in Iraq....

I admire Clark's service to his country , his intelligence, and his integrity!

Clark is exacty what the nation needs today ....I strongly like the things General Wesley Clark has stipulated for running for President :)
Since President Bush took office, the cost of a public college education has jumped by 28 percent. That's a $1,032 increase -- the highest tuition increase on record.

Now for George Bush, this wasn't a problem. His folks weren't exactly scraping to get by. But today, because of him, too many of us are.

Back in the 2000 campaign, he said he was going to create jobs. He's lost them.

He said he was going to protect our environment. He's polluted it.

He said he was going to leave no child behind. Our schools are cash-starved, overcrowded, and failing.

He said he was going to have a humble foreign policy. He's alienated nearly every one of our allies

He said he was going to bring fiscal responsibility to Washington. He's turned record surpluses into record deficits.

For three long years, President Bush has taken our country in one direction: the wrong direction.

And Clark running for president because He want to turn America around. Thats What we need...

We need a president who can bring a lifetime of leadership experience to put America back on top again. Someone who's been in the trenches and on the frontlines. Someone who doesn't just talk the talk, but walks the walk.

And that's just what we did in the United State Military, where Clark served for thirty four years. Many people don't realize that Generals don't just wage wars. Most of the battles They fight are to make sure that Our troops have the tools they need to succeed in their jobs and raise their children.

That's what Clark did every day as an officer in the U.S. Army. He fought to make sure that our soldiers had top notch health care. That their children had first-class schools and access to Headstart. That they had affordable housing and time with their families.

Of course, there were challenges. But no matter what we faced, one thing was always true: with the right plan, hard-working troops and good leadership, you can turn any situation around.

That's what Clark been talking about this week: His Turnaround Plan for America - a plan to tackle our toughest domestic challenges and get our country moving forward again.

A college education is the foundation of the American dream. And it pays off. Not just in knowledge, but in dollars. Studies show that for each additional year of higher you get, you earn 5 to 15 percent more. That's more than the average returns on stocks and bonds.

So today, we should be making it easier-not harder-for our kids to get the education they need to succeed in the 21st century economy.

Unfortunately, too many young people don't even consider going to college because it's just too expensive.

Under President Bush, the cost for four-years of public higher education has risen by 28 percent. Just this July, the University of New Hampshire tuition increased by nearly 7 percent. And the typical student graduates from there with $20,000 in debt.

What's going on here?

I'll tell you.

It starts with President Bush's irresponsible tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans - those earning more than $200,000 a year. They've plunged many states into record-breaking debt, forcing them to balance their budgets on the backs of students.

It gets worse. Pell Grants and other types of student aid have not kept pace with the rising cost of tuition - and they're increasingly difficult to get. Students who want financial assistance have to fill out a 108 line form - and that's just the beginning of a long, bureaucratic process.

This is unacceptable. Our students should be studying for classes -- not studying how to pay for them. We have the best higher education system in the world, but that doesn't matter if so few Americans can afford to enroll.

Clark want to announce his plan to turn that around. His Universal College Plan will enable every single American to attend college without going bankrupt.

First, He will provide $6,000 a year for the first two years of college to any student whose family earns $100,000 or less. That's double the federal grant students currently get -- and it covers more than 100 percent of the tuition and fees for the average four-year public university.

Second, we've got to make it easier for student to apply for financial aid. I'll streamline the application process, so students only have to fill out one form for Pell Grants and Hope Scholarships.

This will make it much easier for more students to get the aid they need.

Third, have to help cash-starved states with tuition costs. Right now, President Bush's tax cuts have put states in the red, forcing them to raise tuition prices just to stay afloat. That's why state tuition increases are twice as high as private ones.

His plan sends state and local governments $40 billion to help fix their fiscal crises, and get tuition costs under control.

Finally, His plan helps working families save for college by giving tax credits to working families, those who have the hardest time putting money away.


Back then, President Bush assured us that hope was around the corner, that resistance would lessen, and that a new Iraqi government would be quickly established. According to Administration officials, Saddam's downfall would open the floodgates to hard evidence of his ties to al Qaeda and point the way to weapons of mass destruction -- including nuclear and biological weapons.

But time has not been kind to these predictions. Today, nearly four months later, and after the capture of Saddam Hussein, our troops are still in harm's way, and al Qaeda is still at large

And most important of all, no weapons of mass destruction have been found and no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to 9-11 has been produced

The bottom line: President Bush has misled the American people time and time again... Enough is Enough!
whoa that is a good post Cheri! better man than i thought. I guess i am behind in politics :o
Castleman said:
whoa that is a good post Cheri! better man than i thought. I guess i am behind in politics :o

Thanks *Winks*
Wow Cheri!!!...

Very well said there!

U should be standing by Wes Clark's side....! :lol:
^Angel^ said:
Wow Cheri!!!...

Very well said there!

U should be standing by Wes Clark's side....! :lol:

Thanks Twinie......
heh, do i get an agree rate for that? :lol: just kidding!.. mwah! *Hugs*
The bottom line: President Bush has misled the American people time and time again... Enough is Enough!



State of the Union - highlights from Bush's presidential career:

29,000: Number of American troops - which is close to the total of a whole army division - to have either been killed, wounded, injured or become so ill as to require evacuation from Iraq, according to the Pentagon

501: Number of American servicemen to die in Iraq from the beginning of the war - so far

9.2: Average number of American soldiers wounded in Iraq each day since the invasion in March last year

0: Number of American combat deaths in Germany after the Nazi surrender to the Allies in May 1945 (for comparason)

100: Number of fund-raisers attended by Bush or Vice-President Dick Cheney in 2003

0: Number of funerals or memorials that President Bush has attended for soldiers killed in Iraq

0: Number of coffins of dead soldiers returning home from Iraq that the Bush administration has allowed to be photographed

10 million: Estimated number of people worldwide who took to the streets in opposition to the invasion of Iraq, setting an all-time record for simultaneous protest

16,000: Approximate number of Iraqis killed since the start of war

10,000: Approximate number of Iraqi civilians killed since the beginning of the conflict

6,000: Out of at least 16,000 Iraqis killed by the allies, only 6,000 turned out to be "enemy combatants" (men who died defending their homeland)

80%: Percentage of the Iraqi workforce now unemployed

92%: Percentage of Iraq's urban areas that had access to drinkable water a year ago

60%: Percentage of Iraq's urban areas that have access to drinkable water today

$100 billion: Estimated cost of the war in Iraq to American citizens by the end of 2003

36%: Increase in the number of desertions from the US army since 1999

45%: Percentage of Americans who wrongly believed in early March 2003 that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 September attacks on the US

1983: The year in which Donald Rumsfeld gave Saddam Hussein a pair of golden spurs

$127 billion: Amount of US budget surplus in the year that Bush became President in 2001

$374 billion: Amount of US budget deficit in the fiscal year for 2003

1st: This year's deficit is on course to be the biggest in United States history

$1.58 billion: Average amount by which the US national debt increases each day

$23,920: Amount of each US citizen's share of the national debt as of 19 January 2004

1st: The record for the most bankruptcies filed in a single year (1.57 million) was set in 2002

1st: Rank of the US worldwide in terms of greenhouse gas emissions per capita

10: Number of solo press conferences that Bush has held since beginning his term. His father had managed 61 at this point in his administration, and Bill Clinton 33

$113 million: Total sum raised by the Bush-Cheney 2000 campaign, setting a record in American electoral history

$200m: Amount that the Bush-Cheney campaign is expected to raise in 2004

$40m: Amount that Howard Dean, the top fund-raiser among the nine Democratic presidential hopefuls, amassed in 2003

88%: Percentage of American citizens who will save less than $100 on their 2006 federal taxes as a result of 2003 cut in capital gains and dividends taxes

$42,000: Average savings members of Bush's cabinet are expected to enjoy this year as a result in the cuts in capital gains and dividends taxes

$116,000: Amount Vice-President Cheney is expected to save each year in taxes

9: Number of members of Bush's defence policy board who also sit on the corporate board of, or advise, at least one defence contractor

$10.9 million: Average wealth of the members of Bush's original 16-person cabinet

$300 million: Amount cut from the federal programme that provides subsidies to poor families so they can heat their homes

2.4 million: Number of Americans who have lost their jobs during the three years of the Bush administration

1,000: Number of new jobs created in the entire country in December. Analysts had expected a gain of 130,000

+6%: Percentage change since 2001 in the number of US families in poverty

28: Number of days holiday that Bush took last August, the second longest holiday of any president in US history (Record holder: Richard Nixon)

13: Number of vacation days the average American worker receives each year

1st: This administration is on its way to becoming the first since 1929 (Herbert Hoover) to preside over an overall loss of jobs during its complete term in office

9 million: Number of US workers unemployed in September 2003

43.6 million: Number of Americans without health insurance in 2002

$1 billion: Amount of new US military aid promised Israel in April 2003 to offset the "burdens" of the US war on Iraq

58 million: Number of acres of public lands Bush has opened to road building, logging and drilling

200: Number of public-health and environmental laws Bush has attempted to downgrade or weaken

3: Number of children convicted of capital offences executed in the US in 2002. America is only country that officially allows the execution of children

1st: First president to execute a federal prisoner in the past 40 years. Executions are typically ordered by separate states and not at federal level

1st: As Governor of Texas, George Bush executed more prisoners (152) than any governor in modern US history

1st: George W Bush became the first American president to ignore the Geneva Conventions by refusing to allow inspectors access to US-held prisoners of war

700: Number of Muslims from around the world the US has incarcerated in the concentration camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

40%: Percentage of the world's military spending for which the US is responsible

35: Number of countries to which US has suspended military assistance after they failed to sign agreements giving Americans immunity from prosecution before the International Criminal Court

130: Number of countries (out of total of 191 recognised by the United Nations) with an American military presence

54%: Percentage of US citizens who believe Bush was legitimately elected to his post

44%: Percentage of Americans who believe the President's economic growth plan will mostly benefit the wealthy

90%: Percentage of American citizens who said they approved of the way George Bush was handling his job as president when asked on 26 September, 2001

53%: Percentage of American citizens who approved of the way Bush was handling his job as president when asked on 16 January, 2004


The Independent, "George W Bush and the real state of the Union", front-page, 20 January 2004.
[ ]
AMEN, Lunz!!!

That is why I threw my support behind the General after having supported Dean myself and finding out the Doctor's true colors. After my intensive study of Clark's policies, history and positions, Dean was *bye bye HoHo*

Can anyone say this....Clark is like the second coming of General of the Army Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States from 1953 to 1961! But Clark is running as a Democrat instead of Republican like Ike did. But the contrasts between Eisenhower and Clark were very eerie...

Eisenhower was the Allied Supreme Commander responsible for the D-Day invasion of France, June 6, 1944. Clark also held the position of NATO Allied Supreme Commander during the Kosovo war to oust Slobodan Milosevic and he lost ZERO soldiers compared to the 500+ dead soldiers under Bush's Iraq mess.

Ike in uniform:

Credit: NATO

Clark in uniform:

Credit: NATO

Next stop....February 3rd 9-state primaries including the SOUTH where Clark is the strongest next to Edwards to give Kerry a huge headache there. I have a feeling that the Democratic Presidential nomination race is going to be pretty tight between Kerry, Dean, Edwards and Clark.
Deomcrats havent decided who will be Deomcrat president to run.. so hold your pants :)

Just want to have economy clean up and bring troops back home ..

Hi Eternity :)

I read the articles about Wesley Clark. He is much the same like Bush and before him. Here's the link I want to copy and paste in this thread instead of copy and paste the whole story, because it's a LONG ones and this thread's character is very limited...can't more than what it is necessary. The link you can go to It included some photos in that link as well .....
I, myself don't support to ANY president...not even Wesley Clark. :dance:
CyberRed said:
I, myself don't support to ANY president...not even Wesley Clark. :dance:

Just because you're an Alaskan doesn't mean you need to have to vote only for Alaskans. :whip:
tekkmortal said:
Just because you're an Alaskan doesn't mean you need to have to vote only for Alaskans. :whip:

:whip: me ? Hahaha... Tell you what? I don't vote for NO ONE not even in Alaska. :nana: I am care-free mind woman. No need pissed off, if I vote the wrong guy after I thought the guy is the best than the other. :mrgreen:
CyberRed said:
Hi Eternity :)

I read the articles about Wesley Clark. He is much the same like Bush and before him. Here's the link I want to copy and paste in this thread instead of copy and paste the whole story, because it's a LONG ones and this thread's character is very limited...can't more than what it is necessary. The link you can go to It included some photos in that link as well .....

First of all Clark was to do this duty job in Waco. It doesn't mean he is the same as Bush.
and second of all I don't understand what u trying to proof to Eternity..Rumors are re-surfacing that Ret. General Wesley Clark played a direct or indirect role in the Waco disaster because his army division supplied some military equipment to the siege effort and his deputy attended a high-level meeting five days prior to the fiery end. Response has been swift that the allegations of his playing a role are not true! Federal law restricts the role of the military in civilian law enforcement operations and "we weren't involved in the planning or execution of the Waco operation in any way, shape, form or fashion," says retired Army Lt. Gen. Horace Grady "Pete" Taylor, who ran the Fort Hood military base 60 miles from the site of the Waco siege. Waco "was a civilian operation that the military provided some support to" and "any decisions about where the support came from were my decisions, not General Clark's," Taylor said this week. Between August 1992 and April 1994, Clark was commander of the 1st Cavalry Division of the Army's III Corps at Fort Hood, Texas. We don't think Clark played a direct role. We say this even though, contrary to the Justice Department's conclusions from its official investigation headed by John Danforth (R-Mo), we don't believe the evidence shows the Branch Davidians started the fire, and we do think it shows the government shot weapons, used pyrotechnics and bad judgment and was otherwise at fault.

In "Waco: A New Revelation", a 1999 film about Waco, McNulty presented evidence that federal agents used an explosive device to blast a huge hole in the roof of a bunker occupied by women and children. McNulty also alleged that on the final day of the siege, government agents fired bullets at the back of Mount Carmel as it burned, making it impossible for the residents to escape. As a result of McNulty finding a spent incendiary device in the Waco evidence room, the FBI and Justice eventually recanted their long-standing claim that only nonincendiary tear gas was used. In My opinion, the blame for Waco rests with the Justice Department, the FBI and the ATF. We do think there were violations of the Posse Comitatus Act. But we haven't seen any evidence that Wesley Clark had any direct role.

I don't see where u going with all this But find the Facts Not Rumors..
Well said, Cheri...very good post! I, for one, am not too much into kind of bores me to be honest...I guess that's my fault because I'm always turning the channels when there's debates and such... LOL.