Did I disrespect you by calling you names? No, I did not, so please do not disrespect me by calling me names.
The recent decision for the FCC to not mandade captions for religious services is terrible; I agree. If you have a problem, write the FCC, your congressman and senator: anything. Don't complain. Do something about it!
My friend Nader is Hearing. He is Blind. What kind of message do you think you give him when he cannot access your ASL VLog because it neither has audio nor text? Do you think he will appreciate the experience or suffer it? Do you think for one day in his life he takes either hearing or sight for granted?
You could ask me, and I would happily show you how you can easily caption your videos quickly for free. In fact, I am not the only person who is Hearing to show people who are Deaf and Hard–of–Hearing how to caption their VLogs for free. Take a look at
Daniel Greene.
Text is required. The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
requires that every creators "provide a text equivalent for every non-text element."
[1] A person who is Dyslexic could still access a VLog with closed captions by using a screen reader to read the captions aloud.
That's correct. Text in addtion to non–text provides access.
Also correct. Negative behavior only leads to more negative behavior.
Remember, negative behavior only leads to more negative behaviour. Do not call names such as "naive", however, it is true that a person you cannot access information cannot understand it.
Right, I never said people
must caption their VLogs. I simply asked if they
Again, I do not mandate people to caption their VLogs, and I do not believe we should punish people who do not caption their VLogs. I do believe we should congratulate people who do for their efforts to provide accessibility.
Now imagine how a person who is Blind or Low–Vision feels when trying to understand a VLog. If they cannot access the information, then they cannot understand it.
Negative behavior only leads to more negative behavior. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Your positive behavior in captioning your VLogs will lead to more positve behavior of others also captioning their VLogs.
A person who uses a screen reader or refreshable braille display finds the color of text irrelevant. Thus, the color of texts is not a handicap for them, and it does not impair their ability to understand the information. A person who is Deaf or Hard–of–Hearing does find color of text relevant, because an ill–concieved website may make the information difficult or impossible to understand. This situation is analigous to VLogs without captions, because a person who is Blind or Low–Vision will find the information difficult or impossible to understand as well.
That is not how it works, because many people who are both Deaf and Hearing caption their VLogs, and many others will follow. In addition, I will continue to congratulate people who caption for their efforts to provide accessibility.
Simply because some individuals who are Hearing choose not to caption their ASL videos does not mean that people should not caption them. She is really, really hot, though.
Of course, we should encourage positive behavior by spreading the beauty of the language. I agree. It's wonderful to share that knowledge with everyone.
Just because she is well–known and/or respected and published by a professional scholarly source does not mean her field of expertise is relevant. She is published in professional scholarly work for her expertise in American Sign Language, true, however, she is not within any field of expertise concerning captions or their ease of implimentation. Signers can use VRS to leave themselves voicemail and check that voicemail with IP–Relay to obtain text. They can use that text to easily create closed captions, or at simply copy–and–paste the text for a text transcript. It's that easy!
You musn't depend on others to change the world for you. If you want people to listen to you, then you must get their attention. If you want their attention, then they must be able to understand the information you want to share. If they cannot access the information you want to share, then they cannot understand you. Thus, you must make sure your information is accessible. On the internet, in order for you to make your information accessible, you must provide a text element for every non–text element. Therefore, you must provide closed captions or a text transript in order for everyone to understand you in your VLogs.
I have seen many people caption their videos. I just showed you that
World of Warcraft machinima. (Well, it had open captions instead of closed captions, but YouTube does not support closed captions.)
No one is saying you must caption you VLogs. I am only asking if you should. However, you must provide a text version of your VLogs, which could be a simple transcript, so people who are DeafBlind, Low–Vision, or DeafBlind can access them.
Your negative behavior will only lead to more negative behavior.
Any person who is DeafBlind completly missed the entire point of her message, because they could not access it! In addition, if intepreter viewed her VLog and provided a text transcript, it would share her message, not destroy it.
True, do you believe anyone listens to Nesmuth's claimed Deaf "authority"? I agree. We should not punish anyone for not captioning, but we should applaud people who do.
Exactly! When I go to a Gay parade, is it Queers only? No, anyone can come: Queer, Straight, Bi, whatever. When the North Halsted Merchant's Association has a musical preformance for people who are Queer, is it Hearies only? No, they
always have a Sign Language intepreter, and people who are Hearing become very interested when they see the interpreter and want to know more. People who are Queer know about Gays and Lesbians in their own community, but some of them don't realize that some are also Deaf. When we make the information accessible, it broadens the number of colors in our beautiful rainbow.
It is getting better all the time.
Bingo! The effort you make expands the accessibily of the information you provide.
That's correct. Captioning your VLogs isn't for people who do not want to understand American Sign Language. It's for people to more easily access the information you provide.
Selected Videos with Captions - Google Video
That is your choice, and we will not punish you for not captioning, but others will share their information more easily with others, and we will applaud them for their efforts.
An anthropologist does not warrant a fact by differing with my observation, because the implementation is not within his relevant field of expertise. Furthermore, his information is false, because although people who are Blind and Low–Vision do not need
captions, they do need some sort of text to access the information. Captions or a text transcript can satisfy that need.
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Access and support are two completly different things. I can access information about the Ku Klux Klan, but that does not mean I support them. Conservatives can increase the accessibility of their information by providing more ways to access it, but that does not mean they must support opposing viewpoints in order to do so. Accessibility is the ammount ability one has to obtain a product/service. Support is the action of providing assistance. If a conservative website is accessible to liberals, that means that liberals can understand the information on that website. It does not mean that the conservatives are assiting the liberals by writing information with which the liberals will agree.
Solipsism (Latin: solus, alone + ipse, self) is the philosophical idea that "My mind is the only thing that exists", an epistemological or metaphysical position that knowledge of anything outside the mind is unjustified. Here is an example of such narrowmindedness.
This person, Gamer12, believes that anything outside of one's own mind unjustified. Oh, wait, that's you! You are not a published, professional scholarly researcher within your relevant field of expertise. Thus, anyone who disagrees with what you suggest does not deserve to be called any names you think, because your opinion is not a statement of fact. Anyone can have any opinion they like, because you do not have any evidence to show that your opinion is any more valid.
Agreed, you should only feel sorry for people who feel sorry for themselves.
Hello, that was about you!