Virginia Tech to be Blamed on Games?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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On the heels of Jack Thompson’s rush to blame video games in the wake of the tragedy at Virginia Tech, Dr. Phil has chimed in with support for this theory. Speaking on Larry King Live tonight, Dr. Phil had this to say on the issue,

“The problem is we are programming these people as a society. You cannot tell me - common sense tells you - that if these people are playing video games where they’re on a mass killing spree in a video game, it’s glamorized on the big screen, it’s become part of the fiber of our society. You take that and mix it with a psychopath, a sociopath, or someone suffering from mental illness, add in a dose of rage, the suggestability is just too high. And we’re going to have to start dealing with that. We’re going to have to start addressing those issues and recognizing that the mass murderers of tomorrow are the children of today that are being programmed with this massive violence overdose.”

At the time of this writing, the identity of the shooter (or possibly shooters) has not been released. So Dr. Phil’s suggestions are not based on credible, or any, specific information about this particular shooting. At least he lumped in movies while throwing out baseless and pre-mature conclusions.

We are just hearing the beginning of what will certainly be many people placing the blame for this tragedy on video games and the mass media culture.
Here they go again...

This is fucked up!

I can't believe that they're actually considering this.

I agree with the fact that it's based on assumptions and I certainly hope that no stupid lawsuit will come from this where game companies are sued.

Oh wait, it's not the game companies' fault! It's the fault of the kids themselves. They're college students. They're old enough to buy games. Therefore, it's their own decision to pull out a gun and start shooting people.

If they're high school kids, then blame the parents. How did they get their hands on the games in the first place? If they had the game, then the parents should have known about it or been aware of it. :roll:
These kids are learning how to build bombs with household materials. Do we really want to focus on the weapons used how can the parents prevent them? The news and achademics to stop playing this trashy.

They don't know anything about the facts and already they are out with this crap?? They should not blame on the video game company.

Some of the kids have their psychological problem with taking various mental illness medication, relates to the anti-depress, etc... Their brains are fucking up chemical to become more massive violence.

According to Korean kid, why would he shoot to the American students? It is something do with Korea relate to USA ?? We will see and wait, what will the investigator will release more information from this kid, Cho Seung-Hui, 23Year-Old South Korean, Killed 32 people ?? *perplexed* He is resident legal alien from South Korea. It apparently impossible because only one shooter on that campus within 33 people ? It is possible other one or two shooters.

It makes no sense to accuse on the video game, it has nothing to do with the videos? It has to do with the young kids have their own psychology problems due to mental illness.
I play with fire and actual burn something bad. Did I learn from video game what NES have? I don't think so.
These kids are learning how to build bombs with household materials. Do we really want to focus on the weapons used how can the parents prevent them? The news and achademics to stop playing this trashy.

They don't know anything about the facts and already they are out with this crap?? They should not blame on the video game company.

Some of the kids have their psychological problem with taking various mental illness medication, relates to the anti-depress, etc... Their brains are fucking up chemical to become more massive violence.

According to Korean kid, why would he shoot to the American students? It is something do with Korea relate to USA ?? We will see and wait, what will the investigator will release more information from this kid, Cho Seung-Hui, 23Year-Old South Korean, Killed 32 people ?? *perplexed* He is resident legal alien from South Korea. It apparently impossible because only one shooter on that campus within 33 people ? It is possible other one or two shooters.

It makes no sense to accuse on the video game, it has nothing to do with the videos? It has to do with the young kids have their own psychology problems due to mental illness.

No it is not a problem between USA and Korea. I have no idea why you getting wrong idea. You should wait till more information AND update from FBI. They are working on it. I see you post all over other similar topics. You need cool down and wait till everything straight out and what is went wrong.
This is where the problem is. Some admit bec they learned from video games and want to be like that. Here is the problem, whatever, what happen , any incident. What ever a person admit, the law take it out of context and taking advantage to blame and affect everyone which all are not the same. That is where problem came up and the law choking people's lives, bec when one person did, use everyone else "same crime", which is call I myself use, "out of context" or unethical purpose".
i refuse to buy any games except the OLD atari games those games are sane and more fun than bloody crap!
I play with fire and actual burn something bad. Did I learn from video game what NES have? I don't think so.

:giggle: When i was about 10 yrs old.. my sister and I played with matches in old garage... set old shirt hanging in the garage... it burned it down... we ran to wake my deaf mother... she brought a pail of water... too late...
we did not have a tv.. we had no one to blame... it was boredom...
:giggle: When i was about 10 yrs old.. my sister and I played with matches in old garage... set old shirt hanging in the garage... it burned it down... we ran to wake my deaf mother... she brought a pail of water... too late...
we did not have a tv.. we had no one to blame... it was boredom...

oh my gosh!

you got punishment or not?
Jack Thompson is fucking retard... I don't think that gunman own video game but his statement is fake.

Screw on him...
i refuse to buy any games except the OLD atari games those games are sane and more fun than bloody crap!

Back to 1990? Where's your brother, XBGMER?

He can help you to play on Xbox 360 instead of SNES.

There's nothing we can do, unless one of you guys can get on larry king and are capable of intelligent and extremely sharp witty rips on him regarding politics, mental psyche and various other things... yep nothing we can do at all. Honestly, games may be the source of the blame for SOME people. I said SOME. Not everyone. Just like alcohol, guns and drugs. Some people can't handle it, others can. Trying to say it affects EVERYONE and use it as a mytar for a poorly constructed ideal is ignorant. I believe Banjo said it best and most simply put.
Even Atari, NES, SNES, any old games are dangerous for children too. Atari have "Space Invader" which teach kids to shoot, NES have Boxing games which teach kids to punch someone in face, SNES have lot of fighting games which teach kids to fight ultimately violence. There, nothing we can do as Dark-Half said :)
the korean dude never actual play video but spend his time to polish his gun, write stuff, doing his personal video. wtf? do they got proof that he play on mature game in madness like Pacman??
I find it rather funny that when something does happens, people go around howling to find something or someone to blame....Not too long ago I heard some parents blaming music, not only rock and roll, heavy metal or rap but music in general because so many teenager killers listened to music thinking that made them do those bad things to people ..I wouldn't be surprise if some people are going to start banning things that influences kids or teens in our society...:roll:
They always look for something to blame on... guns, games, bullies, media exposure, hardships, rejections, medications, etc. on senseless killings.

Never mind that millions have been rejected, played violent games, were bullied, medicated, and had hardships and they don't end up killing people.
Even Atari, NES, SNES, any old games are dangerous for children too. Atari have "Space Invader" which teach kids to shoot, NES have Boxing games which teach kids to punch someone in face, SNES have lot of fighting games which teach kids to fight ultimately violence. There, nothing we can do as Dark-Half said :)
Police: "Where did you learn to shoot like that?"
Kid: "I beat level 30 on Space Invaders. So, I had to shoot 30 people because I thought they were invaders trying to get me."

If they take away the games, where are the growing kids going to get their release of pent-up anger or raging hormones?!

Me thinks if shooting games are removed, then some kids would try using more BB guns, paintball rifles and take up gun practice. Virtual killing is good therapy for most people. I know this myself because I used to be so angry with some people, I used a car driving game to drive over people and crash their cars. By the time I was done with my dosage of that game, I feel a lot better and moved on with my other things in life.

Again, it is all about personal accountability and choices. Sure, there are outside influences, but the ultimate choice is up to the person standing before a real gun.
If they take away the games, where are the growing kids going to get their release of pent-up anger or raging hormones?!

Me thinks if shooting games are removed, then some kids would try using more BB guns, paintball rifles and take up gun practice. Virtual killing is good therapy for most people. I know this myself because I used to be so angry with some people, I used a car driving game to drive over people and crash their cars. By the time I was done with my dosage of that game, I feel a lot better and moved on with my other things in life.

Again, it is all about personal accountability and choices. Sure, there are outside influences, but the ultimate choice is up to the person standing before a real gun.
hehehe, if no video games, then why not be like " Little House on the Prairie" style:laugh2: :dance2: :lol: :bowlol: :rofl: