You're not making sense. You put up a thread about a video advocating finding a spouse online, and yet, you imply it's not a good way to meet someone?
I'm sorry, bud, but there's a problem here somewhere. You wouldn't be posting about something unless you endorse it.
Heath, Oceanbreeze is hearing. You are deaf. She heard what he said in the video. Showing a video to the deaf community that doesn't have closed caption is a BAD idea. You or them will never understand the WHOLE thing. Only 8 subtitles doesn't mean anything, unless you get more out of his flapping mouth. Some don't like online dating, some do. Oceanbreeze doesn't believe in online dating, is what she means.
Heath, Oceanbreeze is hearing. You are deaf. She heard what he said in the video. Showing a video to the deaf community that doesn't have closed caption is a BAD idea. You or them will never understand the WHOLE thing. Only 8 subtitles doesn't mean anything, unless you get more out of his flapping mouth. Some don't like online dating, some do. Oceanbreeze doesn't believe in online dating, is what she means.
You're right. I heard what the guy said. I also don't support online dating. People put themselves in vulnerable positions by engaging in online dating. People lie about who they are. People get hurt. It's just not a good scene.
That is because they are not using commonsense and telling it like it is.
Like I said above, it works out sometimes. However, more of than not, it ends badly, and people get hurt.
See above what I said and yes it does work for some people. I think that in the future as people get better on the internet then they will be more honest then you will see online dating really take a life of its own.
I also don't believe online dating is conducive to a Christian union. If a Christian wants to find a companion, they are best suited to find a like minded person in church or at a church function.
Thats ENUFFF.. you had been warned yesterday.... you need to be stopped... HUSH UP... leave us women alone....
Heath ...We are not looking for mates.... we all are here to have good discussions ... you try to preach us. we are not INTERESTED!!! learn to be nice to all of us.... RESPECT US ALL...
SxyPorkie:rl: :rl:
:roll: @ Heath.
Well Sequoias, Obivously I would have not showed the video clip at all if there was not any subtitles at all and yes I agree it would have been better to have actual subtitles of what he is saying. I don't believe in online dating and it may work for some people and if it does work then I am happy to see somebody is together because I posted the video clip, even if I do not know about it and I don't need to know if somebody got together because of me although that would be cool and very neat to see. I think Oceanbreeze just wants to agrue with me and I am trying to show her where she is wrong then she will realize she truly was not paying attention to what I was saying. She should ignore the bandwagon jumping crowd and actually focus on what I am saying then she would have had no problems understanding what I am saying about something.
There are Christian dating online services and chatrooms on the internet just for that purpose although I do not go that route. They are there and I personally prefer to find a good woman in person and not online.
Hello Heath, it's Sweetheart typing:
Please, Sequoias already explained you clearly. OceanBreeze is hearing, she just told you her opinion and I bet EVERYBODY think it's SO silly to post that video in here because MOSTLY OF % in here are DEAF! We can't understand that man talking. Even, he talk TOOOOO FAST for deaf people who can read the lips... Also, my opinion that I don't support online dating OF COURSE but I knew I met Sequoias on the VP which is better than online dating.. Online Dating can lie about everything what they want to say, just remember that AND online dating COULD BE VERY DANGEROUS! I bet mostly of people don't believe in online dating, very few people do. Please don't being "harsh" on people if they tell what their opinion are and such like that. Honsetly, I'm going to tell you my opinion, already about online dating. now about Video, I think it's very pretty stupid because Im deaf and I can't understand him, if you can understand him then why not you tell us what he talk about?! Just post that video for hearing people then type what he says in video for deaf people, it's not even FAIR. :roll: If you don't like about online dating, then don't post anything about it? Let people figure it out on themselves, because they are old enough to figure out on themselves, they aren't that kid that need a mother and a father! Please be careful what you say and post, that could upset people and even me... Thanks
You have issues if you are endorsing and/or justifying online dating.
Heath ...We are not looking for mates.... we all are here to have good discussions ... you try to preach us. we are not INTERESTED!!! learn to be nice to all of us.... RESPECT US ALL...
SxyPorkie:rl: :rl:
You have issues if you are endorsing and/or justifying online dating.
I am not preaching to you at all. I just posted something nice and you guys jumped on the bandwagon which shows you guys truly do have issues, man you all are very angry people to even begin with. I did show you respect and debated you and what have you been doing all morning ?????
Heath!!!!!!!!!! Why you do that again?
Please stop bash!!!!!!!!!!!!! You act like god but you are not!!!!!!!!!!
It is you who have issues if you can't even think for yourself and jump on the bandwagon like everybody else in order for you to be more socially accepted. I would have respected you alots more if you actually thought for yourself and did not let another people do the thinking for you. I suspect your motives aren't that too good to even begin with which is why you can not even pay attention to what I am saying and if you took the time to read the another thread that Reba suggested I make and I did per her suggestion and then read through that whole thing then you will see what I am talking about.