Wow.. it's been almost two years since my last post!!!
I must admit, I've been lazy about keeping up a journal. I should have kept a journal, because there are days when I think I am not progressing much, but I look at old emails to my friends and this thread on AD and realized that I've gone pretty far. Progress with the CI really takes baby steps.
I'd like to write down what I can do NOW with the CI, so that in the future, I can look back on this post and see if I've progressed even further.
1) Hearing and distinguishing high frequency sounds with ease, such as /s/ /z/ and /sh/. I never heard them before.
2) Other sounds like /ch/, /j/, /t/, /p/, /k/ are loud and obvious for me to hear, but sometimes I confuse them.
3) Also can hear /th/ and /f/ sounds, which I've also never heard before. They confuse me because I keep expecting not to hear those sounds, so when I do hear them I'm like "WHAT IS THAT? OH YEA.. thats an f... dang.. I can hear the f???"
4) I can listen to more sentences (without lipreading) with a lot more confidence. Before, I could guess if someone said obvious sentences like "How are you?" (by matching the syllables, I heard vowels well with the HAs). My girlfriend would say random things like "I love you, you little punk." or "I love that Cuban ass!" or "Come over here and give me a hug!" and so on. I'm understanding her more and more without lipreading her.
5) The CI is a wonderful supplement to my lipreading. I've noticed that on weekend mornings, when I don't have my CI on, I'm having a harder time lipreading people who are not easy to lipread.
I've had the CI for two years, and I've actually only had maybe 8 mappings. Which isn't a lot. I've been so busy with life, but that's okay, I don't need to hear RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. I'm happy with my progress and looks like it's still going.
Wish I would remember to practice listening more instead of playing video games!!!