Vibrating Bracelet idea

Sorry, it's not funny but the way you just came out and were like, hearing kids are the ones that need this bracelet they're the ones getting plowed over the most!

Same here, I'd like to see how she came up with those stats. For all we know it's all about proportion. How many deaf kids do you see in a neighborhood? Now how many hearing kids do you see? There's a gigantic proportion there.

It's like saying "I know one guy that's deaf and he never gets run over. But I know of at least 5 hearing dudes that got run over. Therefore deaf=safe" :laugh2:

Here's a deaf girl who got run over by a train:

Back on track, yeah that's an excellent idea! This could even be used on hearing kids in huge crowds where kids and parents can wander around and get so far away that yelling just won't work. One example is Disney World, it's so big that even if a hearing kid starts running around you just can't say, "Hey come back here!"

Taking this on a tangent, I don't know the costs involved but it would rock even more if it had some kind of a locator gadget that would show a sort of radar-display where the bracelet is. I know there's GPS but its only accurate to within about 100 feet and you can easily lose a kid in that area and it would be great to narrow it down to at least a foot.

That way if you have some stubborn child that won't come out you can still find him/her.
I know that deaf woman was killed by a train, but what the **** was she doing walking on train tracks in the first place? Tons of hearing people get run over the same way, usually because they have music playing with ear phones/ear buds or they're drunk.

Maybe parents have stopped telling their kids not to walk on train tracks (which is also illegal to do).
Yeah, I'm not really going to be walking on train tracks or near anything huge that can kill me that I can't hear coming.... No thanks. :ugh:
Same here, I'd like to see how she came up with those stats. For all we know it's all about proportion. How many deaf kids do you see in a neighborhood? Now how many hearing kids do you see? There's a gigantic proportion there.

It's like saying "I know one guy that's deaf and he never gets run over. But I know of at least 5 hearing dudes that got run over. Therefore deaf=safe" :laugh2:

Here's a deaf girl who got run over by a train: Miss Deaf Texas killed by train - US news - Life | NBC News

Back on track, yeah that's an excellent idea! This could even be used on hearing kids in huge crowds where kids and parents can wander around and get so far away that yelling just won't work. One example is Disney World, it's so big that even if a hearing kid starts running around you just can't say, "Hey come back here!"

Taking this on a tangent, I don't know the costs involved but it would rock even more if it had some kind of a locator gadget that would show a sort of radar-display where the bracelet is. I know there's GPS but its only accurate to within about 100 feet and you can easily lose a kid in that area and it would be great to narrow it down to at least a foot.

That way if you have some stubborn child that won't come out you can still find him/her.

I heard that before because she was too force on the texting. - Deaf beauty queen was text-messaging when hit by train - Mar 15, 2006
it good idea for some but i agree with frisky what if it breaks down child becomes relieant on bracelet
i could see it working with H/of/h adults in certain situations

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