Viable MVP Review & Testing

there is nothing to mention about the MVP here, this is a confusion with VIABLE VPAD which was misplaced for MVP, but VPAD and Sorenson uses 1720
Port Rules for VideoPhone and MVP hardware

Applications Rules

Validate the ports are configured as detailed below:
OJO Ports: 5010-5017 UDP
SIP Ports: 5060-5061 TCP/UDP
Sorenson/Dlink Ports: 15328-15348 TCP/UDP
General H.323 Ports: 1720-1721 TCP/UDP
MVP RAS and H.245 Ports: 7950-7999 TCP
MVP Audio Ports: 8000-8032 TCP
i711 Ports: 9980 TCP
VPAD/VPAD+ Ports: 4100

Port Forwarding
1720-1721 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box
7950-7999 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box
8000-8032 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box

Video Phone Ports

The information is intended only for use when configuring other routers for use with MVP solutions.

The port numbers used by the MVP-500 are:
1719 (TCP)
1720 (TCP)
7950 – 7999 (TCP)
5060 (UDP)
8000-8032 (UDP)

The port numbers used by the DVC-1000 are:
1720 (TCP)
15328 (UDP & TCP)
15329-15333 (TCP)

Sorensen VP-100 / VP-200
Inbound Ports:
1720 (UDP & TCP)
15328 (UDP & TCP)
15329-15348 (TCP)
Outbound Ports:
1024 – 65535 (UDP & TCP)
21 (FTP)
80 (HTTP)

5010-5017 (UDP)
5060 (UDP)

41000 (TCP)
42000-42014 (UDP & TCP)

If you own non-wireless router, we can switch Purple DIR-615 wireless router with GoAmerica firmware while getting new MVP
if I want same run both MVP and VP-200 can't 1720 port, only choose 1720 for VP-200 or MVP, I need MVP without 1720???

Port Rules for VideoPhone and MVP hardware

Applications Rules

Validate the ports are configured as detailed below:
OJO Ports: 5010-5017 UDP
SIP Ports: 5060-5061 TCP/UDP
Sorenson/Dlink Ports: 15328-15348 TCP/UDP
General H.323 Ports: 1720-1721 TCP/UDP
MVP RAS and H.245 Ports: 7950-7999 TCP
MVP Audio Ports: 8000-8032 TCP
i711 Ports: 9980 TCP
VPAD/VPAD+ Ports: 4100

Port Forwarding
1720-1721 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box
7950-7999 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box
8000-8032 into the TCP and UDP boxes into the IP Address box

Video Phone Ports

The information is intended only for use when configuring other routers for use with MVP solutions.

The port numbers used by the MVP-500 are:
1719 (TCP)
1720 (TCP)
7950 – 7999 (TCP)
5060 (UDP)
8000-8032 (UDP)

The port numbers used by the DVC-1000 are:
1720 (TCP)
15328 (UDP & TCP)
15329-15333 (TCP)

Sorensen VP-100 / VP-200
Inbound Ports:
1720 (UDP & TCP)
15328 (UDP & TCP)
15329-15348 (TCP)
Outbound Ports:
1024 – 65535 (UDP & TCP)
21 (FTP)
80 (HTTP)

5010-5017 (UDP)
5060 (UDP)

41000 (TCP)
42000-42014 (UDP & TCP)

If you own non-wireless router, we can switch Purple DIR-615 wireless router with GoAmerica firmware while getting new MVP
thats correct ,the mvp will be given to users in march at private event across america at 20 cites i am one of 1st group to get it at private event and he said customers will get their in late april or early may that's is it

Thanks for the heads up. :)
VPAD's tech staff told me to setup

TCP 41000, 41000-42014
UDP 42011-42014 ,

But Chevy57 says
TCP 1720-1721, 41000
UDP/TCP 42000-42014
IP Address

Is it correct???

I tried port forward, but still I see black screen when I call deaf friend's VP 200. But when I call vpad tech support's VP200, I can see his face. It is strange......

I use AT&T Sierra USB Mercury and cradlepoint Router.
I tried everything, but I still see black screen... I am soooooo SAD
VPAD's tech staff told me to setup

TCP 41000, 41000-42014
UDP 42011-42014 ,

But Chevy57 says
TCP 1720-1721, 41000
UDP/TCP 42000-42014
IP Address

Is it correct???

I tried port forward, but still I see black screen when I call deaf friend's VP 200. But when I call vpad tech support's VP200, I can see his face. It is strange......

I use AT&T Sierra USB Mercury and cradlepoint Router.
I tried everything, but I still see black screen... I am soooooo SAD

U got email message from Viable support specialist last month ago.


Here are the instructions on how to port forward, assigning Static IP address, etc.

Assign Static IP address:

Type the following IP address, to access to the D-Link Router. It will prompt you to type in the user name and password. The default user name is admin and the password is to be left blank.

After the webpage of router loads, click "Set up" tab and then click "Network Settings" on left. There you should be able to find the IP address that has been assigned to your VPAD. Make sure you reserve the IP address for VPAD before port forwarding. DHCP Reservation table should be right above DHCP client.

In order to find your wireless adapter of VPAD's mac address, please click "Settings" then click "Network." Make sure "Wifi" is selected, click "Setup" right below the Wifi button." A new window will appear, click "Advanced" and you will see the mac address of wireless adapter.

To DMZ or port forward:

You have options to either DMZ or port forward
DMZ if DMZ is not in use

DMZ to VPAD's Static IP Address, this will not need to have any special port forwarding configurations. DMZ will open all ports to VPAD.

Reboot router and then reboot VPAD
Port Forward

Navigate to Port Forwarding on router
Port forward ports that are listed in the Ports configuration page
Settings -> Network -> Ports

* 41000 TCP (default)
* Media Ports - 42000 to 42014 UDP/TCP (default)

You should be able to receive incoming 10 digit calls and make outgoing 10 digit calls.

For futher questions and/or assistance, please contact our Customer Support Department between 9 AM - 12 AM Eastern Time, Monday - Friday and 9 AM - 5 PM Eastern time, Saturday -Sunday at:

* VPAD: Click on "Help" then "Live"
* Viable Vision: Click on "Help"
* Videophone:
* AOL IM: ViableHELP
* Email:

Meanwhile, have a wonderful day!

Ryan Shephard
Technical Support Specialist
Viable, Inc.
VRS: ViableVRS.TV Homepage

different ports? MVP is working good to be incoming calling and outgoing calling to my VPAD+ but still be problem with VP 200 to connect to VPAD for appearing black screen. I have sorenson phone number as 10-digital number. I will solve problem to configure my DLink wireless router later.