Vegetarian/vegan children

Magatsu said:
I don't think it is good idea... Children needs the meat and cow milk to grow up. Hormones require lot of animal protein and fat to manufacture.

I happen to agree with Magatsu here!!
Hi my name is Orange and My house hold is vegan. I have a 7 yo daughter, 5 yo son, 3 yo son, 1 yo daughter, and I am pregant. My kids have always been vegan and they are more healthy then their freinds. My kids get all the protein they need and are lacking no vitamins in their diet, but I moniter all our food intake carefully. ~Orange
I was surfing around: is co-parent of

where there are several information for you parents to explore--
Do you ever hear your parents talk about their cholesterol level? Many adults in this country are obsessed with getting their cholesterol level to come down. If it’s too high, it means you’re eating too many animal products. A high cholesterol level means your arteries are full of gunk, which can be scary because it can cause a heart attack. The best way to keep your cholesterol down and to help your heart is to go vegetarian—it’s even called “The Healthy Heart Diet.”

Parents talk a lot about fiber, too. “Got to get more fiber into my diet,” they might say. Well, they aren’t going to get it in meat because it has ZERO fiber. None. Fiber is important in preventing cancer. If you don’t eat enough of it, you’re more likely to get cancer.

Have you ever heard of E. coli or salmonella? No, they’re not the names of the latest Pokemon characters. They’re tiny organisms that get into food and cause awful problems. Cramps and diarrhea are just the beginning—both of these kinds of bacteria can make you wind up in the hospital. When you hear about them in the news, it’s usually because people have become sick from eating animal products that have been infected with E. coli or salmonella. The best defense against ’em? Stay away from meat and eggs.

This website is 100% vegan-- they dont use any animal byproducts (no honey, no eggs, no milk) which is too extreme for me but I do understand the message they are conveying. The animals are going through torture just so we can eat. It is wrong. It is better to treat them with humane methods... who wants to eat somethign that have been murdered? It is like you dont want to buy with "drugs money"... I dont want to eat "murdered meats".
gnarlydorkette said:
I was surfing around: is co-parent of

This website is 100% vegan-- they dont use any animal byproducts (no honey, no eggs, no milk) which is too extreme for me but I do understand the message they are conveying. The animals are going through torture just so we can eat. It is wrong. It is better to treat them with humane methods... who wants to eat somethign that have been murdered? It is like you dont want to buy with "drugs money"... I dont want to eat "murdered meats".
I totally understand. Believe me. I was a vegetarian because I found out about animals and the cruelity methods. But... not with organic or free-range farming. It is totally cruel-free due to organic laws and free-range philosophy. That's where many vegetarians failed to see the bigger picture. I was one of them at that time but the more I read the books about organic laws and organic & free-range philosophy, the more I understand and my conscience started to stop annoying me.

It is important for everyone to buy the organic meats from organic farming/markets to support the cruel-free farming and animals. Every time they buy the conventional meats, they support the factory farm and their cruelities.

I hope I didn't offend you, Gnarly with my comments.
Magatsu said:
I totally understand. Believe me. I was a vegetarian because I found out about animals and the cruelity methods. But... not with organic or free-range farming. It is totally cruel-free due to organic laws and free-range philosophy. That's where many vegetarians failed to see the bigger picture. I was one of them at that time but the more I read the books about organic laws and organic & free-range philosophy, the more I understand and my conscience started to stop annoying me.

It is important for everyone to buy the organic meats from organic farming/markets to support the cruel-free farming and animals. Every time they buy the conventional meats, they support the factory farm and their cruelities.

I hope I didn't offend you, Gnarly with my comments.

Ah, you didn't offend me Gatsu :) I am a semi-vegetarian. It is hard to be 100% vegan because it is impossible to live that lifestlye, with an eye opening constant whether the product is good or not, and it is EXPENSIVE for those food that are "vegan-friendly"... EXPENSIVE I AM TELLING YOU. It is hard to stick with the lifestyle, but I am still against fur, inhumane treatments, and all for for making earth better with recycling, animal rights et cetera...

PSST--I still eat poultry (a skeleton has fallen out of my closet... whoops!) but I didn't usually enjoy it because I wasn't sure if the chicken was "kosher"... I usually eat poultry as the last resort when I cannot find veggie meals sold at my university.
Gatsu, if you ever come in San Diego, lemme take you to "Sipz"-- it is guilt-free veggie restraurant where you could have sworn it is the real thing-- even fooled my brother-in-law who refused to eat tofu but ended up claiming a tofu chicken "delicious" until we told him that it was tofu! :rofl:
gnarlydorkette said:
Ah, you didn't offend me Gatsu :) I am a semi-vegetarian. It is hard to be 100% vegan because it is impossible to live that lifestlye, with an eye opening constant whether the product is good or not, and it is EXPENSIVE for those food that are "vegan-friendly"... EXPENSIVE I AM TELLING YOU. It is hard to stick with the lifestyle, but I am still against fur, inhumane treatments, and all for for making earth better with recycling, animal rights et cetera...

PSST--I still eat poultry (a skeleton has fallen out of my closet... whoops!) but I didn't usually enjoy it because I wasn't sure if the chicken was "kosher"... I usually eat poultry as the last resort when I cannot find veggie meals sold at my university.
Gatsu, if you ever come in San Diego, lemme take you to "Sipz"-- it is guilt-free veggie restraurant where you could have sworn it is the real thing-- even fooled my brother-in-law who refused to eat tofu but ended up claiming a tofu chicken "delicious" until we told him that it was tofu! :rofl:
:rofl: I found it relieved that I didn't offend you with my comments. But yeah, vegan-friendly foods can be very expensive. I went thru that situation before lol. I am still against fur and inhumane treatments included support the recycling and other things as well, I tend to pay real close to these kind of things before I can empty my pocket for these... I am sure that you can tell that I am sensitive guy and tend to be aware about these stuffs. That's one thing I am so glad about California and its strict organic laws.

About San Diego, yeah! I was planning to ask you if can I see you and your husband before you leave for New York. It is probably will be our only chance to see each other before you leave. But I don't know how to 'ask' you to see you but now you brought it up, I used that opportunity to mention about it lol.
Magatsu said:
Born with phenylketonuria? Oh dear. It is difficult for her... how is she doing? Also is her bone density in good condition (thru bone mineral density test)?

She is a happy three year old, Magatsu! As for her health, from what my sister says, she's quite healthy. I'll be honest, I don't pry into the specfics. I am sure if there was a problem, though, we would be the first to know! My Mother makes sure she is all up in my sister's business; especially when it applies to the children. ;) :lol:

Thank you for your concern for my niece. :)
Tamara said:
I don't think it is allowed in Australia to support small children such as 9 years old to live as vegetarian! I don't think Australian teachers will like this ideas because I gave my daughter a slim-milk for her school lunch and got a verbal warning from the teachers!! I never seen vegetarian children meals in Australian menu, and I hope my girls don't know about it otherwise they want to be the same as them!QUOTE]

Yeah, I know how that is. I grew up in Austrailia with my Dad until I was seven and then moved to Canada to be with my Mum. I am a lacto-ovo Vegitarian, and neither side of my family agrees with it, especially the Aussie side. It has gotten to the point where sometimes I don't even go to family functions, or I simply cook my own meals with my own money. Luckily, I'm not Vegan.. I sure if I would be, I would be disowned. My parents say "Well, at least she still drinks milk and eats cheese and eggs!"

It's just something people need to adjust to. :)
gnarlydorkette said:
Ah, you didn't offend me Gatsu :) I am a semi-vegetarian. It is hard to be 100% vegan because it is impossible to live that lifestlye, with an eye opening constant whether the product is good or not, and it is EXPENSIVE for those food that are "vegan-friendly"... EXPENSIVE I AM TELLING YOU.

:gpost: Let's think about it for a moment...

Would you rather seeing the doctors for your chronic health problems which caused from meat consumptions or buy expensive veggie foods to enjoy your health freedom?

I visit the doctor for my annual check-up since I was a baby (my folks are veggies). Results always came out as a clean bill of health to this day. Thank goodness that I am still eating veggie foods that are very close to Mother's Nature. :D

5 different types of being a vegetarian...

There are five different types of being a vegetarian:

1) VEGANS: Strict vegetarians who eat only plant-based foods.

2) LACTO-VEGETARIANS: Vegetarians who consume milk products as part of their diet.

3) LACTO-OVO VEGETARIANS: Vegetarians who consume milk products and eggs.

4) MACROBIOTIC VEGETARIANS: Vegetarians who focus on eating whole grains, sea vegetables and fish-based animal products.

5) SEMI-VEGETARIANS: This group often consumes poultry, fish and dairy products. They may eat little or no red meat.

I'm lacto-ovo-veggie guy, #3 above.

P.S. It has been posted before. Read this.

DeafVeggie said:
:gpost: Let's think about it for a moment...

Would you rather seeing the doctors for your chronic health problems which caused from meat consumptions or buy expensive veggie foods to enjoy your health freedom?

I visit the doctor for my annual check-up since I was a baby (my folks are veggies). Results always came out as a clean bill of health to this day. Thank goodness that I am still eating veggie foods that are very close to Mother's Nature. :D

"Chronic health problem which caused from meat consumptions"?

I respectfully disagree with you. It is largely depend on which source. If it is conventional meat, I completely agree with you. If it is organic/pasture-feed meats, it is almost virtually impossible to 'obtain' the health problems (of course, depends on other factors). Do you know that many people have many chronic health problems from consuming the vegetarian/vegan/etc diets too? My two links in my veggie topic in Health Forum cover several things about that.

I was vegetarian and the vegetarian diet almost 'killed' my two organs (small intestine and liver). High-fat/High-meat diet saved my organs when I changed my diet. There was a malignancy tumor in my small intestine which caused from vegetarian diet. It magically disappeared in only two months on High-fat/High-meat diet. There was a 'hole' in my liver which caused from vegetarian diet and it also magically disappeared in only one month (monthly liver lab) on High-fat/High-meat diet. I didn't mention about my other conditions in other topics because I feel that it is unnecessary for anyone to know but with that statement of yours, I feel that I have to bring it up. There are [or was] three conditions that which caused from vegetarian diet.

My doctor told me that they will have to surgically remove one-third of my small intestine in one month later if nothing changed. But My doctor was astonished that malignancy tumor got disappeared and informed me that the 'wall' of small intestine is completely healed and 'good' bacteria count is higher than before (according to several researches, 'good' bacteria thrived on meats & 'good' fats). All in only two months of high-fat/high-meat diet. I also didn't take any supplements or prescription drugs either. Just this diet and nothing else. Eskimo people clearly aren't dumb. God bless them.

So far, there is a condition that my body is still working on it, the size of this condition is reducing greatly, it became harder for my doctor to detect in the lab result now. I gather that is good news. I cannot wait to see the result from weightlifting which I will start on next weekend, I bet it will build up my muslces two or perhaps three times faster than my vegetarian era. I never been so exciting like this about weightlifting, that's good sign.

And consuming the meat diet is very close to Mother's Nature too. Many Native American tribes proved that repeatedly. Ah, I thought of one thing.... Let me show you in next post. This is my favorite part.
Jordan S. Rubin was a longtime vegetarian (way longer than I am)

Crohn's disease which caused from vegetarian diet:


104 pounds
Nice picture eh? Jordan S. Rubin is well-known among in both 'groups' (meat-eaters and vegetarians). He changed the diet to 'Maker's Diet' which based on the bible (I believe that he is an christian) and he encouraged anyone to eat the meats. When he changed the diet and the result:


170 pounds
Crohn's disease is very, very difficult to heal and yet it healed when he changed to 'Maker's Diet' which included the meats however the 'credit' went to the 'good' bacteria that he found in his researching. But wait, there is a newest picture:


180 pounds
Thanks to meats and 'good' bacteria.

Now, how many do you think that Crohn's disease victims ever recover from that horrible disease? According to my knowledge and medical journals, very few. Rubin S. Jordan was one of many, many victims who suffered from vegetarian/vegan/etc diets.


Cheers and yes, I have his books and it was amazing! But I am not on Maker's Diet though. My body demands more meats and 'good' fats than his Maker's Diet can offer.
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Magatsu, thank you for sharing.

I almost fell off from the chair after reading your second posting. Geez! It's hard to believe how far that 104 pound guy have gone through! :shock:

I'm 5'11" and 165. My body is close of that 170 pound guy. I'm physical fit and excerising daily. Remember, I do not eat meats since birth (my folks are veggies).

What did the 104 pound guy ate? It is really depends on what type of veggie diet he went through. If he ate lack of proteins and those necessary vitamins, then he screwed up with his body! Before he changed to become a vegetarian, did he really know what to do??? Where did he received his vegetarian education from? If it all came from by himself, that's a different story. It's very harmful and dangerous because of this quote, "Lack of education is a plain ignorance". That's what happened to him - causing him to become a boney guy. He needs to be educated first before becoming a vegetarian!

I wish that 104 pound guy should have taken vegetarian classes to understand the proper food preparation. The class can be found through health food stores and typically at Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) churches. (BTW, I'm not a member of SDA, but visited their bookstores to buy veggie foods). They offer great veggie workshops. Once he knows what meals to eat everyday, then he'll be fine and healthy like me. Mark my word. Oh before I forget, if you plan to visit a SDA bookstore, you would probably see their health as great as mine.

Umm, the leading cause of heart attacks and chronic health problems are directly from meat consumptions! I don't have the information handy in front of me, but I'll find it shortly. I think it came from Journal of Medicine.

Heh about SDA. I have a friend who is a SDA and I know what you talked about. I saw the products that he often bought at certain stores. I tried and I don't like these tastes... Haha...

Well about your statement:

Umm, the leading cause of heart attacks and chronic health problems are directly from meat consumptions!
As I said above, I didn't doubt you at all but I believe that will be from conventional meats. Not organic/pasture-feed meats. I read quite lots of medical journals and health journals, none of these mentioned anything about the link between certain health conditions and organic/pasture-feed meats. It is virtually impossible. Heck, many Eskimo and Native American tribes thrived on high-meats/high-fats for many, many generations and they don't have any conditions. Of course, few of them got sick and died from certain conditions. It is inevitable but not many as modern civilization...

About Rubin S. Jordan, he is quite veteran in vegetarian diet. Believe me, he knows what he was doing (His dad is a nutritional doctor, I think...). If your library does have his books, I strongly recommend you to pick it up and read to know his background bit more.

About his weight loss, it was due to Crohn's disease. Anyone who have Crohn's disease will have very, very hard time to gain any weights. It is common knowledge. In his case, Crohn's disease caused from vegetarian diet that he was thrived on for many years. Again, I strongly recommend you to pick up his books (if you don't want to buy) and read to understand his background bit better.


Edit: btw, with Crohn's disease, our body will have hard time to absorb the nutritions & essentials from the foods that we consumed. That's why Rubin consumed the 'good' bacteria (soil, yes... soil) to aid to absorb the nutritions & essentials.
Magatsu said:
Heh about SDA. I have a friend who is a SDA and I know what you talked about. I saw the products that he often bought at certain stores. I tried and I don't like these tastes... Haha...

Well about your statement:

As I said above, I didn't doubt you at all but I believe that will be from conventional meats. Not organic/pasture-feed meats. I read quite lots of medical journals and health journals, none of these mentioned anything about the link between certain health conditions and organic/pasture-feed meats. It is virtually impossible. Heck, many Eskimo and Native American tribes thrived on high-meats/high-fats for many, many generations and they don't have any conditions. Of course, few of them got sick and died from certain conditions. It is inevitable but not many as modern civilization...

About Rubin S. Jordan, he is quite veteran in vegetarian diet. Believe me, he knows what he was doing (His dad is a nutritional doctor, I think...). If your library does have his books, I strongly recommend you to pick it up and read to know his background bit more.

About his weight loss, it was due to Crohn's disease. Anyone who have Crohn's disease will have very, very hard time to gain any weights. It is common knowledge. In his case, Crohn's disease caused from vegetarian diet that he was thrived on for many years. Again, I strongly recommend you to pick up his books (if you don't want to buy) and read to understand his background bit better.


First, I thought I already posted a special message on my last posting but didn't. Here you go: I want to say that I'm deeply very sorry to hear about you going though the condition. I hope you will be feeling much better for your first weightlifting this weekend!

You are correct that some of the SDA foods taste horrible. So, I selected the foods that I like and taste better. Maybe, your friend gave you the wrong one. hehe. Try Linkette and Fried Chic. Yummy!

I'll run to the library this week and check out that book. My dad (deaf) is a certified vegetarian nutritionist so I was kinda of lucky to have him around. He's 80 and still rototills in the backyard veggie garden (65' x 120' lot).

DeafVeggie said:
First, I thought I already posted a special message on my last posting but didn't. Here you go: I want to say that I'm deeply very sorry to hear about you going though the condition. I hope you will be feeling much better for your first weightlifting this weekend!
Thanks! I hope I will reach my goal that I have been working hard for a while.

DeafVeggie said:
You are correct that some of the SDA foods taste horrible. So, I selected the foods that I like and taste better. Maybe, your friend gave you the wrong one. hehe. Try Linkette and Fried Chic. Yummy!
Heh. I will keep that in my mind. I don't remember what kind of brands my friend bought... I will ask him whenever he or I have free time.

DeafVeggie said:
I'll run to the library this week and check out that book. My dad (deaf) is a certified vegetarian nutritionist so I was kinda of lucky to have him around. He's 80 and still rototills in the backyard veggie garden (65' x 120' lot).
Sweet. Let me know whenever you get that information. I would like to read that information.

My mother is a nutritionist too but not certified doctor like Rubin's dad though. That's how I became vegetarian then high-meat/high-fat eater though her. Actually, I spent lots of researching on different kind of diets and other things. I eventually developed the researching skill and start to absorb the informations from there without my mother's help (I live in my own place).

Let's aside our differences, consider yourself lucky that you are able to consume the vegetarian diet (or whatever diet you are on) without any side effects. I couldn't and I had hard time to live with it, I mean, consuming the meats but I realized that Native Americans did too... From there, I am able to live my life without burden myself with unnecessary conscience.

Ok, I am not making sense in my post... I have a heavy jetlag due to Japan trip which I arrived this early morning. Take care and I am looking forward for your article/information.

Thank you for add wonderful information and picture of guy, Magastu. I was like wow when I read everything here.

I appreciate it very much. :thumb:

You also, too DeafVeggie! :thumb:

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