I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian. (Eggs and milk,but no meats or fish.)
Diabetes is very prevalent in my family and I hear vegetarians are less likely to get diabetes.
I was a vegan, vegetarian and meat eater. I've been through all the phases. All these sub types of vegetarian always made me mad.
Since the definition of a vegetarian is a non meat eating thing, if you eat eggs and drink milk, you're still just a vegetarian. The eggs we buy in the store are non fertilized, and milk is not a meat. Most vegetarians will fight if eggs is a do or a don't, but if they're store bought and un-fertilized, most say yes, it's okay to eat as a vegetarian.
NOW, as a VEGAN, you can not have anything that was, has been, could have been an animal or FROM an animal. You only eat plants; that's it. So you could be an ovo-lacto VEGAN, but vegetarian would make no sense. Even then, an ovo-lacto vegan would make no sense because that's defeating the purpose of being vegan. So again, you'd just be a vegetarian. Plain and simple.
It always drove me insane people who would also say "I'm a vegetarian but I eat fish." or I'm a vegetarian but I eat chicken." Dear lord, you're not a vegetarian then! You're a meat eater ( Nothing wrong with that! ) and you just eat veggies as a primary diet source!
Ugh, sorry, it seriously drives me crazy how people sub type things that make no sense...
I personally am not a vegetarian any longer, or a vegan. It takes a toll on your health when you can't keep up with all the proper stuff to eat and balance, and I just don't have the time quite frankly. However, I eat about 10% meat, and 90% veggies and fruit. The 10% of meat I eat would be mostly seafood, or chicken. ( light meats ) I don't really eat dark meat ever. Sometimes ( RARELY ) I will have a super craving for a good steak... It happens... =P Nobody's perfect. =P Hehe...