Fruits and vegetables are much cheaper at the farmer's markets or outdoor stores than they are in the indoor stores. Why? Packaging.
Make sure you wash them well once you get home so you know they all are clean.
Drink 8 tall glasses of water and make sure you add lots of ice cubes into them. This makes more water to drink. You can add slices of lemon or lime for flavour.
Don't eat anything 3 hours before bedtime, your body shuts down digesting anything after dinner. Think around 6 pm, don't eat anything carbs. Just drink water and eat an apple or carrots.
No more alcoholic beverages like beer. They make you gain weight! Think beer belly. Even if people say "Try Lite!" It's not true. Stay away from alcohol, period.
Alcohol is a suppressant. It will play on your emotions and hinder your thought processing therefore you eat comfort food like chicken wings, nachos and burgers. Not good.
It takes a long time and yes, we all go kicking and screaming into this lifestyle but it pays off.
I avoid sweets and now prefer mineral water. Hubby and I only order a meal & ask for two plates at restaurants. Saves money and we are able to watch our carbs. We order a meal that includes a soup or salad & a side salad.
We split the meal and are able to feel satisfied knowing we had a good portion rather than a huge meal. This saves money too as well.
We are also able to order a dessert and we share this too as well. It is portion, portion, portion.
If you crave sweets, don't eat it alone. Share your sweets with a friend and eat with a friend. Never eat sweets alone. This is where the "dangerous" comforting sensation comes in. Overeating comes from the comforting sensation.
Hope this all helps. I had a lot of counselling and I learned a lot about my eating habits from counselling & was able to lose a lot of weight and still am losing weight.
Lose weight for yourself, not a person who you want to impress.