vBlog with Captions


New Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Hey all. I am trying to find some video blogs on youtube to watch to learn about deaf culture and deaf issues. Anyone have any recommendations of good channels I may subscribe to? Preferably ones that utilize ASL as well as captions since I am still learning ASL. Help is greatly appreciated. So far I have been watching "Dr DonG.'s Deafhood Discourses" and it has been very enlightening. Thanks in advance.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch_nfjgrz7w&list=WL6yO-k_i3KegiUXHs17gCL4Ku-Nln3GiY]The Map - Deaf Baby in BC (captioned) - YouTube[/ame]

Here's one with captions. I haven't checked out all of her stuff yet, so it may be just this one vlog that has them, not sure.
Deafdigest | America's Unique Deaf Stories; Established 1996; 17th year

I just found this one. I've only looked at the most recent few entries, which have captions.

Also, OIC Movies - American Sign Language (ASL) Deaf Videos is offering a premium service with captions. The free service doesn't have them. I've only been using the free service so far, but I really like them. If you don't want to (or can't) shell out the money for premium, one thing I've found is that you can go into their news section and alot of the stories are things you can find (I mean much of the content - not an exact transcript of the video) online. Like Obama's state of the union address. Or one I just watched about an old news story where spending too much time sitting down shortens your life. Anyway, that stuff is out there in text form, and reading them can sometimes help sorting through any unfamiliar signing.
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