Valentine's Day

I ended up having a greattt time:) I had lunch made for me and got a rose and my mom got me some chocolate and stuff as well ..went out today and they were already putting up the easter stuff!
went to math class this morning and got a 90% on my math test woohoo! had counseling appointment after class, then got lunch from Hardees to take to work. went to work, worked, got a surprise Valentine's delivery of a stuffed monkey with red lips on his cheeck and a balloon, fussed with my tax return (I made a mistake and today the IRS finally accepted my return so I was able to amend it and correct the error, now jst need to mail the amended tax return along with a check for $285 to the IRS, fun times...). Got done with work, and stopped down the flower shop my stepdad owns, to see my mom since she was helping out. Mom was able to rope me into helping a bit haha. I wasn't going to help at the shop at all, but mom needed the help so ok. Mostly just helped with clean up, dumping out water buckets (mom's not supposed to lift heavy things), little things like that. Mom's home relaxing now, and hopefully my stepdad doesn't have to stay at the shop for too long tonight (he had to sort through order tickets and junk like that).
Wirelessly posted

Ursula? Yes, I was talking about Facebook (fb). Nothing to be jealous lol You are young enjoy your youth :)


she's just other punky girl. Haha thanks :)