Utah's weird law


New Member
Feb 27, 2003
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who would like to have more than a wife in Utah?

Anyone raise your hand?
isnt polygamy banned in Utah since it became a state officially in the 1800s qq the only group i know that apparently defies the law is the mormonites who are so into the BS of "true mormonism"

*ahem* im not going to go into this discussion on my mormon issues and POV as i have my own POV ref to this even tho i was born in the faith :ugh: but anyhow i do believe that polygamy is a VERY SICK thing ever dreamed up by Brigham Young and/or Joseph Smith

so the answer to ur question illustrator is a RESOUNDING :thumbd: !!!!!!
I don't think it's a good idea. It's against the law and I think it's very disguesting anyways. :eek: :vomit:
Sorry Dude, I don t go for that crap! its wrong degrading and inhumane!
Geez, I could hardly wait to see that Deaf258's response to this thread
Ha, ha ha (he's from that "anal" area, u know) :)
illustrator said:
who would like to have more than a wife in Utah?

Anyone raise your hand?

BEFORE Anyone raise your hand, please be sure to shave your underarms
FIRST before you raise your hand (tee hee)
Y said:
Geez, I could hardly wait to see that Deaf258's response to this thread
Ha, ha ha (he's from that "anal" area, u know) :)

:rofl: hahah -- u arent alone im also waiting and yep he does say hes from "the anal recesses of Utah" hahaha
Y said:
BEFORE Anyone raise your hand, please be sure to shave your underarms
FIRST before you raise your hand (tee hee)

armpits check.. all clear!! LOL
I obeyth thy vowth. If my man wants to get more wives, then I will leave him period. Therefore, I :thumbd: on polygamy!
OMG.. ~ :jaw: Hell no way!!!!

Forget it.. Better than that utah needs tune up and boost their minds!
Polygamy has been illegal in Utah since Utah became a state over a hundred years ago. There are still some stubborn LDS members who practise polygamy (mostly who live in Eagle Mountains and in Southern Utah), but from my experience as a non-member of the LDS Church, a lot of my friends who are members of the LDS Church do not condone this practise at all. They even think it is disgusting.

If Deaf258 decided to practise polygamy and have more than one guy, then good luck to him for keeping his current one! :-P
:lol: @ this thread. Personally, I wouldn't allow that to happen. Am against polygamy...imagine having to share your significant other with another person or two or more?! No thank you!
* taking a number for the boys and writing down for good time call deaf258 here's the nbr 1800imnotstraight* ROFL IM BEING BAD here :-X :rofl:

That Utah misconception kinda ruined it for me.
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Well, can you believe it... I asked my hubby if I could have my own harem, and he said no... and then I replied I could just marry all of 'em too, if he wanna seem respectful.... :twisted: I just love to tease him all the time!

Honestly, a hick guy marries more than one woman in some random mountain of Utah and people think everyone else does it and it is a law in Utah... :doh: