Using Sign Language Voice Off....

Cobbler is good.
blackberry AND peach cobbler together

with pies-

eaten by us on July 27, 2011
Chilled homemade apple sauce.

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I am in search of apple cider that has not been pasteurized. Pasteurization has totally ruined Apple Cider for me.
I am in search of apple cider that has not been pasteurized. Pasteurization has totally ruined Apple Cider for me.

My husband agrees with you! I never liked Apple Cider.
what happned to the cobbler?

I hope it's apricot. That's my favourite! Yum!

But I'm going to bed folks, hopping from party to party of late is wearing me out :giggle: Will be back tomorrow.
:wave: ooooh, never had apricot cobbler, that should be good- I'll have to look for one to go with the rhubarb pie I'm bringing to the party again later!
Being late-deafened, there is no way I can undy ASL unless they move their mouths when doesn't matter if they don't use their "voice" (becuz I couldn't hear it anyway)...but just to zip their lips and sign away....I'm totally lost. So I do still miss out on a lot, especially some videos where the deafies just sign with a closed mouth. One member here at AD did that, and when I viewed his video, I could not undy a thing he said....*sigh*

Then again, deafies who have no speech at all, whenever they sign...a lot of times they make a lot of noise (unbeknowest to them). And at times, get very loud, especially when they are angry or excited......
I sign with my voice off when I'm in the deaf world. I can sign with my voice on when I'm in the hearing world. Sometimes I'll sign with my voice on when I'm in both worlds just because of equality.
I'm a voice-off girl. Never used it. I find that signing with a non signer can be as easy to understand as you want it to be. I slow down with non signers, which helps. Lots of signs are the natural or intuitive sign anyway. Hearies often understand the concept, if not every sign. I really amp up the facial expressions with non signers too. I've seldom had issues with being understood (but let me qualify that by saying the non signers have wanted to understand. With non signers who are ambivalent, comprehension goes way down).

RockinRobin, my mom says I am a very noisy signer. I try not to be when I remember, mostly I forget.
I went to a restaurant near my place that has a patio outside. In ASL only, no voice, I asked for a menu, ordered my meal, asked for a glass of water, for the salt and pepper, some cocktail drink, asked for my bill and it went really well! The waiter and the busboy were very sweet and courteous and behaved as if my using ASL was perfectly normal. No discomfort or awkwardness at all. The people sitting at the other tables didn't blink or stare. It was a great experience.

You got to be kidding me unless you have the same people that are familiar with your signs and not have people stare or blink at you. That is really rare. :hmm:
Wirelessly posted

sunny_signs said:
I'm a voice-off girl. Never used it. I find that signing with a non signer can be as easy to understand as you want it to be. I slow down with non signers, which helps. Lots of signs are the natural or intuitive sign anyway. Hearies often understand the concept, if not every sign. I really amp up the facial expressions with non signers too. I've seldom had issues with being understood (but let me qualify that by saying the non signers have wanted to understand. With non signers who are ambivalent, comprehension goes way down).

RockinRobin, my mom says I am a very noisy signer. I try not to be when I remember, mostly I forget.
