But USA leads 1st place of medal count now.
1st USA 9 G 15 S 13 B = 37
2nd GER 10 G 13 S 7 B = 30
3ND CAN 14 G 7 S 5 B = 25
But Canada leads in gold medals... the medal that counts.
But USA leads 1st place of medal count now.
1st USA 9 G 15 S 13 B = 37
2nd GER 10 G 13 S 7 B = 30
3ND CAN 14 G 7 S 5 B = 25
But USA leads 1st place of medal count now.
1st USA 9 G 15 S 13 B = 37
2nd GER 10 G 13 S 7 B = 30
3ND CAN 14 G 7 S 5 B = 25
ABC news said all liquor stores at Vancouver are closed after end of hockey. that s weird thing! LOL
ABC news said all liquor stores at Vancouver are closed after end of hockey. that s weird thing! LOL
I've never heard of that before either. It is strange. I assume it's probably to help prevent the number of people who drink and drive home after the hockey game.
Or they are hoarding them for their own use to celebrate!
I am sure a riot will start based on not being able to buy booze to celebrate!
Is it due to it being a Sunday??
Liquor stores are never open where I live on Sundays
Is it due to it being a Sunday??
Liquor stores are never open where I live on Sundays
They are open on Sundays where I live.
They are open on Sundays where I live.
I m too. They in Ohio are open on Sunday. Texas is poor.
tomar agua es buena para ti