US officially ends Iraq war

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I am one of those that do believe Hussein did have WMDs and hid them or got rid of them and also housed terrorists! Unfortunately for you there are many, many more that think the way that I do!

No, that is not unfortunate for me. That is unfortunate for humanity and reason.
I am one of those that do believe Hussein did have WMDs and hid them or got rid of them and also housed terrorists! Unfortunately for you there are many, many more that think the way that I do!

The United States gave Saddam Hussein WMD's back in the 1980s. He destroyed the WMD's in 1991 to comply with international demands.

Nonetheless, even General Colin Powell himself violated his integrity and lost the respect of many Americans by testifying before the UN that Iraq had WMD and was about to use them...which later turned out to be false. In all the years of occupying Iraq, no weapons of mass destruction have ever been found. He knew it was false. Had Powell not testified, we might never have gone into Iraq. He was one of the key voices that tipped the balance to go.

Saddam Hussein's government, as tyrannical as it was, was a secular government. Al Qaida (the terrorist network) was one of Saddam's bitter enemies.
I am one of those that do believe Hussein did have WMDs and hid them or got rid of them and also housed terrorists! Unfortunately for you there are many, many more that think the way that I do!

I've got a bridge to sell you. Evidently, you'll buy anything.
Oh, so that's why we went to Iraq? Funny, I thought it was because there were WMD. Or because Iraq harbored terrorists, or because . . . nevermind.

That you value the blood of one human being over another exposes your hypocrisy as a self-avowed Christian. I have a feeling I know the true reason as to why you think it's less worse to kill innocent Iraqi civilians than American soldiers, but I'll just keep that to myself.

Saddam Hussein did not kill millions of his own people. He was a tyrant, for sure, but don't even try and use some shady rhetorical trick trying to make it look like I would support such a monster. There are many monsters in this world, many of whom were created by the United States. Why aren't we deposing these monsters all over the world? It's not our prerogative to be the world police man. Except of course when it serves our financial interests. . .


Let me rephrase what I said earlier. I do not value one life over the other unless we are in a situation like Iraq. What I mean by that is that I put the safety of American soldiers as priority #1 over other Iraqi citizens. You probably won't like it but that's my opinion. I don't agree with soldiers choosing to be pawns either. For some it is valor, honor, tradition, freedom, bravery, pride and rights! Something that America used to be made up of. God, guns & guts!
No? how about the actions of our military overseas that angers and incites extremists? Abu Graib, Guantanamo, Afghanistan, numerous covert operations in South America.

How about the NG being used as mercenaries to protect the interests of the elite at G8 meetings, war protests, political conventions. Ever heard of Kent State? People's Park? Democratic convention 1968? And so on, and so on.

You can act like the government and the military are separate entities, but they are not. They are all part of the same power structure. The troops are pawns, but they make the choice to be pawns.

What is NG? (new government?) ? What we did in Abu Graib & Gitmo doesn't even hold a candle to what's been done to our soldiers and civilian contractors!
What is NG? (new government?) ? What we did in Abu Graib & Gitmo doesn't even hold a candle to what's been done to our soldiers and civilian contractors!

NG is National Guard, I think.
What is NG? (new government?) ? What we did in Abu Graib & Gitmo doesn't even hold a candle to what's been done to our soldiers and civilian contractors!

So, two wrongs make a right?

With that attitude, we cannot claim to even come close to a civilized society.

Let me rephrase what I said earlier. I do not value one life over the other unless we are in a situation like Iraq. What I mean by that is that I put the safety of American soldiers as priority #1 over other Iraqi citizens. You probably won't like it but that's my opinion. I don't agree with soldiers choosing to be pawns either. For some it is valor, honor, tradition, freedom, bravery, pride and rights! Something that America used to be made up of. God, guns & guts!

Sigh. It's hard to reason with you when your "opinion" is morally and logically suspect.

Do tell: why are American lives worth more than Iraqi?

You see, even the question itself is awful. I can't imagine that the answer is any better.
The National Guard are no different than any other soldier except that they are only part time soldiers. The military is the military and it is controlled by the government. They are all volunteers who are serving their country.

No jillio, two wrongs don't make a right but what we have done pales in comparison to what our enemy has done to us! And when it comes to protecting our soldiers, then I am for it!

I am with you I think (?) in that our government is corrupt! But you can't go blaming our soldiers for that! Both sides are to blame, not just the Republicans but the Democrats as well. I wish it were all so different and a simple fix but I really don't think that there is much hope for our country and government. They are too far gone and both sides will not give an inch when it all comes down to money in their pockets, they do not represent us as citizens! That is why I pray. I have very little hope of successful change. Nothing more to me than a sign of our times. Look at the mess our entire world is in!
Yes jiro,

I feel for the innocent victims as well. It is sad but a fact of life in a war zone. Even sadder is that their own people were willing to place those innocent civilians in harms way to protect their own arses! It is because of our strong military that we have enjoyed and continue to enjoy our freedoms.

but... i'm referring to victims killed by our bombs and weapons. hundreds of thousands of them. and the fact that we destroyed Iraq's economy, security, and utilities.
Guess I have been uninformed about DU? Sounds like our government has tried to keep it quiet. It doesn't surprise me though. Look at agent orange in Vietnam! Look back further than that when they tested radioactive bombs on soldiers on ships from a distance. Our government has been experimenting on innocents for years. It don't think there is really any hope of ever fixing it. It could get better if the two parties wanted to work together and give up their pocket money, but I doubt we'll ever see it.

no it wasn't kept hush hush. it was published on news all over while back.
I think there are others on here who would disagree with you on that. Oh and yes I do care more about American lives. While that sounds harsh I find that in sending our soldiers over there to fight for the freedom of Iraq then yes our lives are more important. I hate to see innocent death of any kind but that is the spoils of war isn't it?
you think most of our soldiers are gladly and proudly flying over there without questions? You think most of them are happy with Stop Loss Order?

But then I guess you think that leaving Sadamm Huesien in power to murder millions of innocents is okay too?
that's not our problem. it's United Nations' problem.
I am one of those that do believe Hussein did have WMDs and hid them or got rid of them and also housed terrorists! Unfortunately for you there are many, many more that think the way that I do!

Did you know several KEY people such as Colin Powell, UN inspectors, foreign intelligence agencies (French, British, etc.), Ambassador Joseph Wilson (husband of Valerie Plame), etc. testify that WMD did not exist in Iraq?
The National Guard are no different than any other soldier except that they are only part time soldiers. The military is the military and it is controlled by the government. They are all volunteers who are serving their country.

No jillio, two wrongs don't make a right but what we have done pales in comparison to what our enemy has done to us! And when it comes to protecting our soldiers, then I am for it!

I am with you I think (?) in that our government is corrupt! But you can't go blaming our soldiers for that! Both sides are to blame, not just the Republicans but the Democrats as well. I wish it were all so different and a simple fix but I really don't think that there is much hope for our country and government. They are too far gone and both sides will not give an inch when it all comes down to money in their pockets, they do not represent us as citizens! That is why I pray. I have very little hope of successful change. Nothing more to me than a sign of our times. Look at the mess our entire world is in!

I don't see anyone "blaming" the soldiers for anything. We are only saying, unless one believes all the BS the recruiters feed them, no one goes into the military unaware of what is expected of them. They accept the risks with the job. They are not volunteers; they are paid soldiers. As an officer, I would think that you would be aware of the fact that when you take a job, you also accept the risks that come with that job.

Innocent civilians are not paid to take that risk, nor are their families compensated in any way for their death.

If we wish to call ourselves a civilized society, then we cannot, under any circumstances, resort to inhumanity.
but... i'm referring to victims killed by our bombs and weapons. hundreds of thousands of them. and the fact that we destroyed Iraq's economy, security, and utilities.

Exactly. They don't just suffer from the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims killed. The people of Iraq continue to suffer for many years to come, and all at the hands of the U.S. and an unjust war.
I don't like this thread.

All I can add is that my honey served in the Army, and in Iraq. He's shared so many stories about what went on over there, from both sides, that all I can do is say to him, "Thank you for your service. Thank you for all that you did. Thank you for trying to make America safer."
Exactly. They don't just suffer from the hundreds of thousands of innocent victims killed. The people of Iraq continue to suffer for many years to come, and all at the hands of the U.S. and an unjust war.

Hundreds of thousands? Try millions.
I don't like this thread.

All I can add is that my honey served in the Army, and in Iraq. He's shared so many stories about what went on over there, from both sides, that all I can do is say to him, "Thank you for your service. Thank you for all that you did. Thank you for trying to make America safer."

You would prefer the truth not be told?
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