Updates on Sidekick II

My husband's sk2 got updated, but not mine yet...strange So I will just need to wait til it's my pager's turn.
SherryCherish said:
Vamp, can we trade our SK? lol
Just turn yours off, then on... and watch the "7" animation. If it shows loading continously, leave it alone cuz it might be coming. If it stops, turn it off and on again and repeat.
i been done that many times.. not work that out, but i will contiune, and thank you, Vamp.. I guess i take no from trade lol..
I just bought a Sidekick 2.

Hi Oakely,
I just recently bought a Sidekick 2 at the Mata Expo a week ago Saturday.
I love it !!! and I got a great deal.
Now I can keep in tough with my clients that I interpert for.
Dir. of Commumcation Serivces

I just got my sidekick 2 today and I have been repeatedly turning it off and on waiting for the update! i really want it!

But when i turn it on, while the 7 gulps it says Cingular Wireless under PHONE...
I am so jealous!!! I don't even have a sk2 and I would love to have one! I've got friends that showed me how sk2 works.. I found that you can use green, red, blue and clear light as a flasher for the cam, also can use it as a flashlight, buddy icon along with the screen names and more.. I'm gonna buy me one, one day!!!
HI could your friend tell me how to put color on flash on camera? Thanks!

I tried to figure it out but couldn't lol!

RebelGirl said:
I am so jealous!!! I don't even have a sk2 and I would love to have one! I've got friends that showed me how sk2 works.. I found that you can use green, red, blue and clear light as a flasher for the cam, also can use it as a flashlight, buddy icon along with the screen names and more.. I'm gonna buy me one, one day!!!
My sk2 finally got updated a few days ago. Then I couldn't page out of phone message section, only thru email from my pager. So I contacted t-mobile and they instructed me to uncheck something in sk2 and it finally works. For some reason, during updating, it had put checkmark on something. Now it works just great! It was updated twice in close period of time, then 20 min later, it updated twice again.