i hope to god it does because to be honest, i am in the absolute depths of despair..i worry about what will happen when i am gone.. i have worked in nursing homes, and homes for people like frank, and its not pretty. it kills me to think that someone could be mean to my francis, but its a reality, it happens. but this is the hardest thing ever..when i first came here, i was trying my hardest to pretend that once he got his hearing aids, he was going to be fine..even though deep down, i knew it wasnt true.
but the absolute HARDEST thing ever about this? i have 6 other kids who need me. my oldest finally graduated navy boot camp the other day and is at submarine school..he called me and i realized that he had left before all of this had really went down..so he was floored as much as anyone would be when we told him..and then there are school projects to help with, along with homework, sibling fights, kids who wont clean their room, or wont go to bed, or their friends wont ever go home..all of this plus frank, its almost too much for me. sorry! i hate rambling like i do, i know that alldeaf wasnt created solely as a means to console me every evening! blah. but seriously, this sucks.