Update: 5/21/2008

Apps for blackberry:




[Countdown timer]


I had just experiment it on my bb. It is beautiful and quick/responsive!

IM apps is FREE, FREE, FREE OF CHARGE unlike JiveTalk, Mundu, YAK-ON, or IM+ have a free trial and have to pay it after the trial expires. better for free...lol[Palringo IM]


[Weather BUG]


[Weather Channel]


Many IM apps vs JiveTalk

Wow, I genuinely realize there are many various instant messenger applications for Blackberry.


Mundu offer free trial for 5 days and one time fee 11 bucks for lifetime license after trial expired! So, Has anyone tried this app? If so what you think about it, is it better than JiveTalk?

visit site: MUNDU


BlackBerry Solutions Catalog: www.blackberrysolutionscatalog.com into your blackberry browser.
Update: 5/23/2008

Honestly I have never heard of Bank of America’s BlackBerry shortcut application they offering for blackberry users.

The website is really cool and even has a BlackBerry shortcut application that you can install on your homescreen. Why did nobody tell me about this!


[Mobile Banking]

Bank With Bank Of America? Then Check Out Their Mobile Site for yourself..
Upgraded OS For all the 8000 (8800, 8700, 8300, 8100) series!!

I don't have to typing this. but you can look at pictures expose your mind have a thousand words of images.. Heheh..


Isn't that exciting??
The instructions: Browser Configuration for Blackberry only


To get the best viewing experience on your BlackBerry, make sure you
have CSS/Style Sheets, HTML, Javascript, screen, and Tables enabled on your device.

You need go directly Select browser from homescreen, then following the instruction settings of below:

To check:
1. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
2. Select "Options" from the menu.
3. Select "General Properties"
4. Change Default Browser to "Internet Browser"
5. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
6. Select "Save Options"
7. Select "Browser Configuration"
8. Highlight the check boxes next to
—¦ Support HTML tables
—¦ Support Javascript
—¦ Use Background and Foreground colors
—¦ Use Background Images
—¦ Support CSS/Style Sheets
—¦ Style Sheets media type = screen
—¦ Show images = WML & HTML Pages
—¦ Emulation Mode = BlackBerry
—¦ Content Mode = WML & HTML
9. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
10. Select "Save Options"
11. Select the back button and reload your website

I changed browser settings as above following instructions. Now you look that above of screenshoot comparisons are full html, javascript, background & Foreground colors, and very crisp screen!

I hope this litte help! ;)
Your theme actually is better than mine??

I amN'T a PRO/ EXPERT and I really wanted to be able to make themes SOOooo badly! That actually is my first time, today I downloaded everything as such JRE, JDK, MDS..Plazmic CDK in the step to step up on the top like the pymaird.
That just is my beginner now : above to transforming this below:
My theme is HOTTTIE!!!! it called GHOST ZEN thats my own invest name.

Ahhh, I modified a theme all that stuff. its genuinely simple. However now i looking for the 3rd party icons and all the stuff I want to customize for BB! I do want to have to make my own!

I actual am...........................................................(con't).........................................(con't)...................................................(con't)............................................(con't)..................................................(con't)........................................(con't)...................................................(con't).........................................(con't)..................................................(con't).........................................PRO!! ;)
Question for the BB Curve users - (I have 8310)
Anybody having trouble signing in at MySpace? Whats wrong? At first I thought
maybe I left MySpace sign-on active at home at my computer so I can't get signed
in on my BB. But when I got home, my computer was off for the day.

Any ideas? I have MySpace mobile installed.
Question for the BB Curve users - (I have 8310)
Anybody having trouble signing in at MySpace? Whats wrong? At first I thought
maybe I left MySpace sign-on active at home at my computer so I can't get signed
in on my BB. But when I got home, my computer was off for the day.

Any ideas? I have MySpace mobile installed.
SuziMaria, I am sorry that didnot resposnse you so quickly. for reason, I actually busy with theme devep for the blackberry.

anyway, you know what? you are not alone that have problem access my space site on BB. bb users are complaints like that. itsnot blame on BB. the owner of myspace need to open the access site for BB users. just be patience.. :D

To get the best viewing experience on your BlackBerry, make sure you
have CSS/Style Sheets, HTML, Javascript, screen, and Tables enabled on your device.

You need go directly Select browser from homescreen, then following the instruction settings of below:

To check:
1. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
2. Select "Options" from the menu.
3. Select "General Properties"
4. Change Default Browser to "Internet Browser"
5. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
6. Select "Save Options"
7. Select "Browser Configuration"
8. Highlight the check boxes next to
—¦ Support HTML tables
—¦ Support Javascript
—¦ Use Background and Foreground colors
—¦ Use Background Images
—¦ Support CSS/Style Sheets
—¦ Style Sheets media type = screen
—¦ Show images = WML & HTML Pages
—¦ Emulation Mode = BlackBerry
—¦ Content Mode = WML & HTML
9. Press the BlackBerry button (seven black dots)
10. Select "Save Options"
11. Select the back button and reload your website

I changed browser settings as above following instructions. Now you look that above of screenshoot comparisons are full html, javascript, background & Foreground colors, and very crisp screen!

I hope this litte help! ;)

Whoa! Test myself here. It good work.... Save file in picture if can put background. It very cool!
I can get even better BlackBerry web browser graphics by installing a better web browser called Opera Mini (from www.operamini.com). It even has zoom in/out feature (press 5 to zoom in/out). Use numbers 2/4/6/8 for fast 4-way scrolling, and use trackball for slow fine control. I also configure options to use small font size, turn off title bar, use full screen mode, to cram the maximum amount of text in the same screenful.

Does not replace BlackBerry Browser (I still need it for other things such as WAP), but I can view complex websites such as SPACE.COM as if they were on my desktop.
Whoa! Test myself here. It good work.... Save file in picture if can put background. It very cool!
Yeah I am happy that you gave a test..

FYI: if you use browser without support html, its sooo fast loading. but if you like to view rich html and java supports.. I am still using html and java supports, because I really like to see more color and color background.. Ha :P

I am glad that you are happy with it.. If you need to help.. I am here for you. smile!
I can get even better BlackBerry web browser graphics by installing a better web browser called Opera Mini (from www.operamini.com). It even has zoom in/out feature (press 5 to zoom in/out). Use numbers 2/4/6/8 for fast 4-way scrolling, and use trackball for slow fine control. I also configure options to use small font size, turn off title bar, use full screen mode, to cram the maximum amount of text in the same screenful.

Does not replace BlackBerry Browser (I still need it for other things such as WAP), but I can view complex websites such as SPACE.COM as if they were on my desktop.
Mark, Yes You are right about Opera Mini what i havent even mention nor recommend about it. I never try it, because I never like it. I admire BB's OEM browser.. HA! I don't know why I love BB's browser.. its just me? Ha..

You never know, if I upgraded from curve to bold, I possibly give a try Opera Mini on bold.. who knows..
Oh really you like it? I honestly never give a try this before.. TSK TSK me.. haha .. can you tell me detials about this, if you don't mind?

Thank you!

WELCOME!! Yea! I do like it so much! Oh really You never try it.... Why not you try huh?
I just wondered you know how BB connect to Laptop? I download it my laptop and read it. I just learning and which get connect on laptop. I not know how ha!
Yeah I am happy that you gave a test..

FYI: if you use browser without support html, its sooo fast loading. but if you like to view rich html and java supports.. I am still using html and java supports, because I really like to see more color and color background.. Ha :P

I am glad that you are happy with it.. If you need to help.. I am here for you. smile!

I am happy heard that here.. Yes, It very good support html, and Java support also everything. whoa! I realized that SK 2 not have support Java support so was very limit.

Yes, I asked you about BB connect to Laptop. I still learning BB everyday.

I popped, Can you help me how download music in BB? I bought new a Stereo Headset for BB because I am HOH.
Opera Mini vs BB Browser

I can get even better BlackBerry web browser graphics by installing a better web browser called Opera Mini (from www.operamini.com). It even has zoom in/out feature (press 5 to zoom in/out). Use numbers 2/4/6/8 for fast 4-way scrolling, and use trackball for slow fine control. I also configure options to use small font size, turn off title bar, use full screen mode, to cram the maximum amount of text in the same screenful.

Does not replace BlackBerry Browser (I still need it for other things such as WAP), but I can view complex websites such as SPACE.COM as if they were on my desktop.

I start using Opera Mini since 2006. I find it so useful and it looks even more reality of HTML format.

Apparently, Mr. Rejhon is right!

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