Unofficial AllDeaf Map - Post Your Location!

I have a confession. I had to put my old address since it wouldn't recognize my new one. :sadwave:
Can you please remove my 1st "Munich"... It's my mistake...

Ansbach is right one.

Apology... :hug:
Central, smart move, also I didn't put down where i really live, but close enough tho.
Frappers alldeaf members map here

Hello alldeaf members,

I've already contacted w/Alex and permission.. He said yes, He let me create this frappers alldeaf members map here..

Alex is going sticky this thread for everyone attention..

alldeaf members map

Hafta fun... :thumb:
Hey Crazymomma,
Have you ask Alex permisson before you create this ???

I've already asked Alex permisson last night and to create alldeaf map. I waited for overnight and got pm from him.. He said YES to me... So I create it.. I wasn't aware that you already create ahead of me today..
Ah, interestin'. I will just have to wait until I move back to Alaska next year before I could add myself in - probably not. :dunno: Dependin' on how I feel. But, thanks for sharin' this with us anyways. It looks good thou. ;)
I just posted in GalaxyAngel's thread. :lol:
Oh, well. :P
Whoa... wait minutes... Don't jump colusoion.

kuifje75 said:
repost... Crazymomma beat you to it

No... I already asked ALEX first permission before I may go ahead post it here...
Did Crazymomma ask Alex permisson ???? That is my question..

because I did follow alldeaf's rules and didn't break their rules before I go post it here...

I'm sorry.. I have to respect alldeaf's rules.
Why don't you ladies (GalaxyAngel & CrazyMomma) merge the two threads into one? :)
Cookie Monster said:
Why don't you ladies (GalaxyAngel & CrazyMomma) merge the two threads into one? :)

Actually I've already created first place and post it until i found out that crazymomma post it ahead of me.. I was kind dispointment.. I work hard and asked Alex first permission.. I refuse post it reason I prefer ASK Alex first permssion before i go ahead post it.. I did pm'ed him last night.. and waited for him reply.. until overnight and got his pm'ed this morning.. I'm so happy and delighted create it here.. Alex was about his plan post his own thread alldeaf map but he said go ahead let me create it.. He is very happy. so I create it.. Now crazymomma already post it.. That wonder me, did she ask Alex permission yet ?? That is my question. I didn't break alldeaf's rules. Thank you :ty:
Don´t worry, I click your link to post where I live in your and GalaxyAngel´s thread. It doesn´t bother me really either there´re 3 or 5 same threads... I still post all of them... :angel:
Don´t worry, I click your link to post where I live in your and Crazymomma´s thread. It doesn´t bother me really either there´re 3 or 5 same threads... I still post all of them... :angel:

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