Howdy yall
Just wanted to stop by and say hello to everyone.
My name is Greg, I'm 39 and living in San Francisco, CA.
About 5 months ago I noticed a slight bit of difficulty hearing on my left side.
Three weeks ago I under went a 10 hour long surgery to remove a brain tumor!
In August of 2007 at the daggering of several friends I went in for my first hearing test since I was in the 2nd grade. Turned out I had about a 15% loss of hearing, but October I was even more difficulty hearing and the loss has increased to about 27%. My doctor ordered an MRI and sure enough, there was an acoustic neuroma. After several weeks later I was able to see a specialist at UCSF Medical Center and with a second MRI for confirmation I was schedule for surgery on 1/30/08 to remove it.
My first words when I awoke from surgery was, "were they able to save the nerves"? Turns out the 2 inch long tumor was wrapped around several nerves. So when I woke up, I had only about 5% of my hearing in the left ear remaining. As the swelling has gone down, a bit more of the hearing has returned, about 20-25% i would say. I return for my first official hearing test on 3/3/08.
Unfortunately, along with the hearing, I've lost the balance on the left side and now have to train my brain to provide that function just from right side.
I also lost a bit of my eye site on the left side and my least favorite, loss of control of the left side of my face. So I sound and look as if I've had a stroke.
So there you have it. I'm curious if anyone on this forum has had similar experiences? I thought at first I would be really upset about loosing so much hearing, but it hasn't been too bad. I never thought I'd say it, but I'm kinda excited about getting things rolling and getting a hearing aid. Not that I have the clue about the various ones on the market, but I really like the looks of the Phonak Audeo. Anyone have experiences with them?
Thanks for reading!