Unlimited Flash 1v


I added "Enable/Disable Thumbnails" in the options page. I am still working on other options.

Enabled Thumbnails View


Change to disable thumbnails view in the options page.


The page doesn't show thumbnails =). It's good for people who have modem and slow connection.

I fixed the options page. You can change quality of flash player to low, medium or high in the options page. In addition, the options page has a number of results like 20, 25, 30 and 50 results of flash games and movies. You can change a number of results.

Unlimited Flash Security got improved by adding logs of visitors' ip address, referer, agentuser, page view, date and time for some good reasons to prevent abuses and hacks from Unlimited Flash site. Also, Unlimited Flash BOT fliters are upgraded to remove flash information such as dead links, junk flash files and others.

I will improve the automated computer program,which updates and places flash games and movies in the Unlimited Flash site, on this Saturday. After that, I will build sturtures and functions of database system files. When I finish them, I will launch them to organize all flash information. After all, you will notice that the game and movie directory will be faster like 50 times or more =).

You can help me by feedback.

The automated computer program,which updates and places flash games and movies in the Unlimited Flash site, is upgraded and runs faster 500%.

I will add "rating" such as G, PG, PG-13 and R. I found out that author's comment is not full complete. I will fix the automated computer program to write author's comment completely.
don't forget to organize it. I really want to see those thing done. It will make your website king of whole flash gaming website.

I am going to test "Storage BETA" BOT. It will transfer all flash info rows from "preflash" to "stroage" database for backup and uploading them on final tables. After storage and final tables then I will start working on categories/subcategories.

Storage BETA BOT works well. Storage database is faster than preflash database 600 times. However, "Final Database" is 70% faster than the storage database.
cool wallpapers

Unlimited Flash wallpapers look simple and cool.


  • unlimitedflash_wallpaper3.png
    27.7 KB · Views: 4
  • wallpaper_5.gif
    25.4 KB · Views: 3
Temporarily Down

Unlimited Flash BETA server is temporarily down due to maintenance. I thank you for your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
When Unlimited Flash server is up then I will work on the steps below.

1. Fixing incomplete summaries.

2. Adding "rating".

3. Improving the automated computer program.

4. Developing and testing categories/subcategories (such as shooting, sports, scary, jokes and etc.). Unlimited Flash will use Enigma Engine v1.0 which runs for categories/subcategories.

5. Developing and testing an account system for only moderators and administrators. The account system can create, add and remove categories/subcategories.

That's all. When I have more ideas then I will add other steps.

Unlimited Flash website is up =). However, you will see some missing files due to backup server is transfering files to restore the Unlimited Flash website. It should finish all for about 1-2hours.

You can check how fast Storage BETA is. However, the storage source beta isn't complete alittle. It will be almost fast like the complete storage source. Storage database should be supposed to not show public and designed for backup/update. Final Tables are faster than the storage database. Also, they show public.

Storage BETA link:
Test Database Speed

Response Database Speed


Execution Time: 35.95 Sec(s) for 100 requests per minute Newgrounds (http://www.newgrounds.com)
Execution Time: 11.23 Sec(s) for 100 requests per minute Unlimited Flash (Storage BETA). It is not testing "preflash".
Execution Time: 15.64 Sec(s) for 100 requests per minute Google

Now, I finished a summary patch program that will fix all summaries at Unlimited Flash. They will show full not parts. It is fixing currently and should finish in about 2hrs.