unbelievable ...

Well, Andre is bigger than you. Ya know, the skinny people can drink 2 or 3 bottles of beer. And the big people like Andre can drink up to 100 beers as long as he don't feel he's full or black out.

I bet most of the giant people ate 50 pounds of beef and still not full. ha

Andre the Giant was quite a big fella, but even 25 bottles in a day is way, way too excessive for a man of his size. You need to understand how damaging alcohol can be to your liver and other organs due to excessive drinking.

I must say I'm surprised he didn't die of alcohol poisoning years before his heart gave up on him. Maybe he barfed every night because that would explain a lot. Plus he always looked drunk.

I'm 6"2 tall, I could drink plenty of beer but I don't because it's not good for my health. It's a pity how easy people find it to drink and get drunk and think it's funny or something when it isn't.
and when u get drunk and pass out.. its the way of your body telling you that your body is overdosed on alcohol.. so it is not good to drink and passed out when u could die from it.

Interesting thread about tall guys and tall ladies...

speaking of taller people.. I used to date one.. 6'7 1/2 .. haha! he was the tallest one i ever dated... I had to stand on chair to kiss him! Believe it or not... I am 5'3... sorry off topic but thought its funny... :)
Andre the Giant was also an alcoholic which obviously contributed to his death. I remember reading that he drank 117 bottles of German beer in one sitting.

117 bottles of German beer?

I wouldn't even think of drinking more than 2 bottles, let alone the thought of drinking 117 bottles.

Oh, that is impossible for Andre to drink that many bottles of German beer. I think the media want the public to know that he can drink 117 bottles of German beer to impress you all. He is a human being, not a freak. He had problem with his health for a long time. I have never met him and I do watch the WWE where Andre perform his stunts on the wrestling mat. Yes, I agree that many giants have problem with their heart conditions. May Andre rest in peace, I miss him. So get off and stop dreaming that he can drink 117 bottles. Gawd! :crazy:
interesting thread about tall people

guess i am not only one here know about tall guys. guys in my family is tall 6' and up
my brother in law' father is 6'5" really tall. i remember first time i met him i go WHOA ha. now that i am usual seeing him around
and outside of my family i met a police officer and he is really tall about 7' as i can tell that his head can touch the beam of the door of course he didn't hit his head when he enter the house.
There is a Deaf guy who came to Boston for a few days visit. Due to Marfan's syndrome, He is 6'9" -- got shrunk from 7'3" due to his curved spine. I saw his hands .. huge. I placed my hand on one of his palm hand ... Whoa I nearly faint! He is a nice guy to hang out with!
well my cousin is a girl and she's around 6'11 or a litter taller, but she is TALL!! Her mom is my height 5'4" and her dad is 6'2" both average heights for their gender.

My brother is also tall but only about 6'5" - not too far off from the gender average of 6'2"
And yes Marfan's Syndrome causes curving of the spine and/or rib cage.

Other causes of extreme growth is a pititutary tumor of the pitutary glad near the frontal lobe of the brain. The signs of that are extreme growth in a short period accompanied by severe headaches - as long as the tumor goes unchecked the person will still continue to grow, once the tumor is removed they stop growing and on rare occassions they shrink a bit. This is what Goliath the Giant had (the Bible Goliath) he was said to be a giant and given the clues to the story he had poor eyesight as well, when David hit him with the stone it was enough to kill him with the tumor. This is because when you have brain tumors and other cranial abnormalities you have to be extremely careful as the slightest blow to the head can easily land you in the hospital and even kill you- and thats with todays medical advancements versus biblical times.
My brother is tall and he is 6'4" tall and I also have deceased uncle and cousin who are also tall. My deceased grandfather is tall too. My exh's grandfather was 7'4" I think. I never met him but heard about him.