
ah, i like little fat and nerd !! i also saw Vamp's photo
long time ago he's an average.. not that bad of a guy
even with only two marbles (just kidding :)
i'd probably date him only if he is in my hometown.
i agree with someone else above me about
the chemistry. i cannot date a very handsome man
because i cannot trust any handsome man
too many women going after him that's why
i prefer average & simple. Very very handsome guy
or very very intelligent guy can be scary sometimes.
kuifje75 said:
LOL, what is this thread? Should it be renamed: "Who would date VampyroX?" :lol:
LOL, i dont know how this thread got off topic......

lets get back to the topic at hand :)
Once you date someone who happens to be ugly....when this guy shows his true himself as a charming and care, you'll just forget he is ugly and love him for the way he treats you, you'll end up realizing he's cute after all. There is no such perfect-looking guys. Simple.

I have never really had a problem with dating any ugly guys at all - Some cute guys happen to be sweet inside, just like the guy I'm with for long time now. Girls assume that ALL cute guys are players due to their experinces with one or two or whatever but come on gals, give those other cute guys chances, you never know what you're missing until you try.....
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wolves are not supposed to be kittens, you have to be manly rough and growly..............That is more of a turn on than a pretty boy who spends more time shopping and in the bathroom than a girl.......I broke up with one ex because he was SO vain and took forever primping himself.
kuifje75 said:
LOL, what is this thread? Should it be renamed: "Who would date VampyroX?" :lol:

:lol: haha...I Second that!!.....

It's sure looks like Vamp has women after him already..... :naughty:

Good thing is I am not after him! :D I'm going that way! :arrow: :arrow: See ya!!...
Hm, another thought about this-

I always found my exes to be totally UN-handsome after I broke up with them. I would think to myself, "What the hell was it about them that I found attractive other than their witty jokes?" Unfortunately they didn't have good personalities to keep me in their relationship so... I think I am a hooker for guys who just crack me up.. then after a while they are not cracking me up and... it is "bye-bye" time..
I don't think I couldn't find the ugliness in guys I like *until* I dump them... :laugh2:

Hm. So if an "ugly" guy makes me laughing, I am sure I won't notice that he is ugly... unless he has this hairy mole or something... I dont know... Ugly as in like that Beetlejuice guy then YES I would notice ;)
I don't complain because everybody has their facial flaw.
We all don’t share the same opinions on people’s looks. My sisters’ husbands are really ugly, but they think their husbands are totally hotties. (yeech) Would I date a really ugly man? I don’t know... Maybe I would if he attracts me with his beautiful personality. That’s not a simple question for me to answer. :dunno:
umm i dont judge by the way ppls looking ... all i care is about their PERSONALITY

date with no lookin judgle but PERSONALITY= GOOD! :thumb:
date with lookin judgle but dont care about personality= USED on someone :thumbd: (BAD)
date with BOTH lookin and personality= GOOD too but just follow ur heart

whatever you do is FOLLOW YOUR HEART not from your mind... just your heart...
Pythia said:
We all don’t share the same opinions on people’s looks. My sisters’ husbands are really ugly, but they think their husbands are totally hotties. (yeech) Would I date a really ugly man? I don’t know... Maybe I would if he attracts me with his beautiful personality. That’s not a simple question for me to answer. :dunno:

all you can do is find someone attracts by the way your feeling ...from inside of you... if you feel something to find someone attacts... just go for it.... still ..follow your heart thats all i can say. either UGLY and HANDSOME r the SAME..... same idea there mask on the face.... once u got know this person... then mask will disappear and show you their PERSONALITY from behind the mask, same ideas. thats my quotes. :D

Want hear to be my honestly.. Okay..
He is my husband "was" NERD AND UGLY.. I found him turn out excellent personalities and sex drive etc etc.. I do not care how much he looks.. I've helped him change clothes and looking hair cut etc etc.. Whoa, He really nice handsome looking as nice. wow impressive.
My hearts goes out for him, why many girls turned him down for date.. reason why.. He looks ugly and nerd. Girls really dumb!

*ahem* Excuse me, I was told all girls, you're full of "L" (sign lang) front of them. They lauff'n at us.. Few months, All girls shocked how much he looks so handsome and perfect clothes fit him awesome. He is excellent personalities.. He tells me some of girls asked him for date but already turned them girls down.. sorry I found right lady for me and to rest my life.
We have wonderful cute children. Girls really pissed off.. Too bad.. :fu:

I have picture of him UGLY and NERD when he was teenager and near Adult.
Present Adult He is fine and handsome.. LOL

What matter with girls must think attractive handsome or hottie guy.. what if turns it out stink attudies.. Not even think about it first place.

Babyphat, follow your heart and re think if you really want try date normal person as well follow their personalities don't let your friends lauff'n at you few months will realized... I understand you feeling but you feel like "scared" to date with ugly man while in sex... u would wear mask covers.. don't make you think "REAL" There have greater personalities... Likely Wesley1482's comment. He/she is correct! (Perhaps I dunno idenitly he or she)

I will post my hubby's childhood and TEEN.. I'll go walmart and to have scan then put into the cdrom.. only 10 bucks.. Isn't hurt.. eh..
My hubby aint the most handsome man in the world, I just love his personality and his intelligence! He is very witty too, he makes me laugh all the time..thats important to me..dont care how he looks as long hes clean and all, not bum looking, ya know? not only that...hehehe..good in bed! LOL! :Oops:
Woohoo! :::high five to Defee::: I agree with ya there. :) My hubby's not a major looker either, but then again...neither am I...

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder..and it's only quite skin deep. I've been rejected plenty because I'm not blonde haired and blue eyed and size 1. :/ Ehhh...but that's okay, because if someone's only after looks, then I'm honestly not interested in them.

Personality seems to be the key word here...and it's what made me fall in love with my husband. He's got his moments where I want to choke the living shit out of him, but for the most part, he's a great man and that's what I'm attracted to... :)


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