U.S. begins fingerprinting visitors


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Mar 23, 2003
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A US VISIT program computer clears student Andres Morales through customs at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta on Monday.

U.S. starts fingerprint program

Monday, January 5, 2004 Posted: 9:01 AM EST (1401 GMT)

(CNN) -- Many visitors to the United States now face a demand for fingerprints and photographs as a government program intended to fight terrorism takes effect Monday.

The new program covers those overseas visitors who are required to have a visa to enter the United States -- an estimated 24 million people a year.

Not everyone will be put through the extra security steps.

Citizens from more than two dozen countries, mostly in Europe, aren't required to carry a visa if their visit is less than 90 days. Visitors from those countries are exempt.

Outside of Europe, the exempt countries include Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Brunei. Citizens of Canada generally do not need a visa to enter the United States.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security says the goal of the US VISIT program is to track the millions of people who come to the United States every year on business, student and tourist visas -- and to use the information as a tool against terrorists.

US-VISIT stands for United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology.

Critics say the broad-reaching program will cause unnecessary travel delays and may never prove to be effective.

"There's so much information in such volumes that there's a limit to what any analyst can absorb," said Larry Johnson, an aviation security consultant.

Faiz Rehman, president of the National Council of Pakistani-Americans, points to the disruption in travel.

"Without proper training, there will be long lines, there will be missed flights, there will be people who would be wrongly stopped," Rehman said.

Outside the United States, there has been a backlash as well.

In reaction to the U.S. policy, Brazil last week began fingerprinting and photographing American visitors arriving at Sao Paulo's airport. Brazil's Foreign Ministry has also requested that Brazilians be removed from the U.S. list.

The U.S. program, which has a budget of $380 million, will require an estimated 24 million visitors to submit two finger scans and have a photograph taken upon entering any of 115 airports or 14 seaports.

Homeland Security spokesman Bill Strassberger said once screeners become proficient, the extra security will take only 10 to 15 seconds per person, The Associated Press reported.

Inkless fingerprints will be taken and checked instantly against a digital database for criminal backgrounds and any terrorist lists. The process will be repeated when visitors leave the United States as an extra security measure and to ensure they complied with visa limitations.

Lawmakers who included the program in the Homeland Security Act of 2002 say the program will improve security.

Rep. Jane Harman, D-California, is among those who believe the new measures could help prevent a repeat of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

"We want to keep the bad guys out of our country," Harman said. "We want to identify them and keep them out, and we want to find them if they're already here. And we did a bad job of that on 9/11."

Tim Edgar, a critic of the program and legislative counsel for the American Civil Liberties Union, said it will not take the place of improved intelligence gathering.

"The problem with 9/11 is that we didn't know who the terrorists were," Edgar said. "We could have put them through this system and they would have gotten through without any problem."
This sounds like a nice security feature, but it will still be beaten. Terrorists who have not gone through the system can make their move on us. It says two finger scans. If this means scanning only two fingers, terrorists simply cut off the fingers they had scanned. The next time they visit, they just say that they lost their fingers in an accident and get by again... to do their terrorist act. In my opinion, I think everyone is just too damn paranoid.
they should only fingerprint those perverted Canadians :)
is that unconstrutional? it makes me wonder.. cuz of "freedom of pravicy"...
DeafSCUBA98 said:
is that unconstrutional? it makes me wonder.. cuz of "freedom of pravicy"...

No, it isn't unconstitutional. At least not in my personal opinion, and Americans shouldn't be excepted from being fingerprinted too.
as I have heard that there is few country who come down to USA as they don't need the process to go through like take pic and fingerprinting like Canada is free to come in and out .... There is few concern that i have .... what about seaport visitor from crusine boat ? or what if someone fly to canada and go through canada border to get into usa without worry about these secturity ... so Think about it ??? I am very sure there is so many different way to get round without being caught ... or what if someone use the boat and leave it in the gulf and do the scuba and crawl up to the beach and walk round without being caught .. * look at DeafScubra* are u one of these ??? ( jk) lol so I would like to hear the debates what is the routes how can we prevent them to do that ? but would it 100 % foolproof ?? Don't think so !! ...
eye scan would be nice. No way Terrorists will take chance to change eyeballs. Or they have guts to do that! :lol: ... :ugh:
illustrator said:
eye scan would be nice. No way Terrorists will take chance to change eyeballs. Or they have guts to do that! :lol: ... :ugh:

Next nipples scan ! :-o
VamPyroX said:
And you would be willing to expose your breasts just so they can prove it's you?

It will be very difficult to identify me because my nipples are on the floor. :P
illustrator said:
eye scan would be nice. No way Terrorists will take chance to change eyeballs. Or they have guts to do that! :lol: ... :ugh:

that system can be beaten with contact lens.....
VamPyroX said:
This sounds like a nice security feature, but it will still be beaten. Terrorists who have not gone through the system can make their move on us. It says two finger scans. If this means scanning only two fingers, terrorists simply cut off the fingers they had scanned. The next time they visit, they just say that they lost their fingers in an accident and get by again... to do their terrorist act. In my opinion, I think everyone is just too damn paranoid.

if those "rare" cases do exist then I think they'll come up with DNA testing :)
Cricket said:
that system can be beaten with contact lens.....

okay, how about once before enter country.

Required to give sample of blood, hair, skin, finger and eye. So, everything won't be miss - more specfic for each person! :lol:

geez, that would take lot of time.
Sabrina said:
It will be very difficult to identify me because my nipples are on the floor. :P

Agh! Don't remind me! :eek:

Technically, nipples can't be used. Nipples are not like fingerprints, cuz nipples constantly change. One day, this woman enters America and has her nipples photographed. Later, she goes through PMS while she's leaving America. That's when her nipples look different... bigger and/or swollen. Now, how are we gonna identify her? Will we let her leave?
Increase more security future comes in..

may be more extra security likely Eyes scan, voice idenifity... and etc etc..

Good idea for us border and canada border reason for prevent terriosit.. yes but otherwise some of terriosit can be smart and find their way to do sumt'n... Who could make it access through border..

wait and see if they are capitily unique be caught terriosit. One day.. :)
VamPyroX said:

Agh! Don't remind me! :eek:

Technically, nipples can't be used. Nipples are not like fingerprints, cuz nipples constantly change. One day, this woman enters America and has her nipples photographed. Later, she goes through PMS while she's leaving America. That's when her nipples look different... bigger and/or swollen. Now, how are we gonna identify her? Will we let her leave?


Well, you will have to be prepare when your future wife or girlfriend to become 80's years old. That is life !!! :roll:


They will let me go if they can't get my ID match. :naughty:
Hahaha, Bullymom....you said voice identification. What will they do with you then? Give you an epidural? I remember your comment re: this in another thread. :rofl:
Tousi said:
Hahaha, Bullymom....you said voice identification. What will they do with you then? Give you an epidural? I remember your comment re: this in another thread. :rofl:
((chuckles)) Maybe voice identification.. I would speak "garbled voice" may be recoglized my voice.. who knows.. ((chuckles)) I know it may be end up laughstock.. wha..ever.. :P
Nah they go to the simplest way: looking at your name. Thats how they found a
most wanted terrorist on British Airways plane to the U.S. :)