types of computers

my first computer was 15 mhz.. LOL.. it was a packard bell.. SLOW like a turtle.. lmao..

second one was 33 mhz again packard bell..

now i love home custom puters.. upgraded them almost every years or two.. lol 133 mhz .. then 300 mhz, 500 mhz then 1.3 ghz..

now my puter the one im using is P4- 2.50 ghz 512 ram, 60 gb, and it is xp..

second one is an IBM thinkpad 600x 500 mhz 12 gb and 256 mb ..it was win 95 when i bought it from friend who didnt want it.. as it was not working .. but got it fixed and upgrade as it didnt have NO MEMORY at all? so i bought 256 mb of memory and reloaded the laptop with xp now its working... :D

3rd puter.. i got it for bday- Gateway 508GE Intel Pentium 4 3.2GHz 512MB Windows XP i dont know how many the hard drive is? lmao.. i think 80 gb not sure.. i will have to look it up.. that one is for emergency in case my present tower doesnt work as it is a back up in case... cant live without internet! lol.. :P