Two better than one?


New Member
Jan 8, 2004
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This is a question for my fellow HOHers who wear Hearing Aids.

DO you wear one or two? I wear one, but have damage in both ears, and every site i go to says that two are better than one. Do you agree? How many do you wear? I'm considering getting a second one...
I'm deaf in both ears, but I only wear one. I find that it's easier and simplier to wear one instead of two. My hearing is a bit different in my other ear so wearing both hearing aids becomes a problem for me.
I guess that it would depend on the individual. It's really more about your preference once you try it out. I wear two. I find that works best for me. My sister wears one. She's been told she should wear two but it's what she prefers which is fine.
I wear two. Even though it doesn't make too much of a difference in my left ear, it helps to optimize the residual hearing I have.
I wear two, even thou I can talk on the phone without a hearing aid in one ear! :) One of the advantages of having two is that if one breaks down,(which is often) you have the other one as a backup!
I wear one because two hearing aids causes me to feel dizzy. One is sufficient for me to hear it.


I wear 2 hearing aids always, meanwhile the most powerful HAs.
i wear two... but they dont work all together too well.... please feel free to read my rant posted in this section
I wear one, but that's because my Deaf side is unaidable ( ok , I might get some benefit from something like the SUMO aids) - I have 0% speech recognition on that side and can't hear anything at the maximum db setting on the meter, so it'd just be a waste of $$ IMHO

That being said if you're hearing loss is mild-severe"technically" 2 is considered better than one, since it allows you directional hearing, and can help with background noise.

Can your Audie set you up with a loaner aid for a trial period to see if you think it would be a good or bad thing ????
Prior to my CI, I had one HA. My left ear really didn't have enough hearing to make it worth while. If it did, I would have had two HAs. It would have been definitely better and it would have "balanced" things out.

I think it really depends on what one's situation is and if any chance of being successful, I say go with two. Jeez, it it didn't work could go back to one.
I wear 2 hearing aids and they help me alot. Good Luck.
I have a CI now, but when I wore hearing aids I always wore two. Having two hearing aids made it easier for me to hear/understand speech in noise and to localize sound. I have bilateral profound hearing loss. My left ear has had no speech discrimination for the past 10 years, but I could still benefit from an aid in that ear for environmental sound awareness.
I prefer to wear on my hearing aid on my left ear not 2 hearing aids. My right ear was not good.
i have two, but i usualy wear one in my left ear, i dont like two. its not comfortable.
darkangel, so does that mean you're getting CI in your right ear? I wonder how many of our CIers also wear an aid.....I know that's the new thing.....
no actually strange enough they prefer the put ci in good ear, and that will be my left ear..

I am probably going to wear hearing aids in my right ear after i get the ci.. but who knows..
darkangel8603 said:
no actually strange enough they prefer the put ci in good ear...

Actually, that make sense. Generally speaking, they want the best possible outcome if it is a question of which ear to do. If they are doing a bilateral, then it is a moot point...

In my case, there was no question they would do my good ear (right one) over my bad ear. The odds weren't very good at all for my left it went in my right ear.
I usually wear one because my other ear is almost unaidable (I can hear sounds but the words are unintelligible). I am getting a new programmable BTE for my right ear, and will use my current analog BTE for my left ear for safety reasons (environmental sounds awareness, traffic, etc.)....this is the reason why I got two new earmolds made instead of the usual one earmold (I quit using the left ear at age 14 since my hearing loss had progressed to the profound level). :) a few days, I will be wearing TWO BTEs again. :)
sr171soars said:
Actually, that make sense. Generally speaking, they want the best possible outcome if it is a question of which ear to do. If they are doing a bilateral, then it is a moot point...

In my case, there was no question they would do my good ear (right one) over my bad ear. The odds weren't very good at all for my left it went in my right ear.

Yes you are right, but i would think they will choose the bad ear instead because if it works, it works, but if it doesnt work u lose the hearing in the sugury ear. So if they usethe bad ear, they still have the good ear to work with, also if they do it on the bad ear then the person can actually enjoy hearing from both ears.