TV Captions


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Oct 28, 2004
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Not all shows movies are captioned. Like theres no captions on the sci fi channel the twighlight zone. They all should be captioned.
It's probably your television or your cable service. I watch The Twilight Zone on Sci-Fi all the time and it's always captioned.
They all should be captioned.

I so agree, it annoys me when I wait all day for a programme I want to watch and when I watch it, it comes up saying "Sorry there are no subtitles for this programme"

I tjink all shows should be captioned, despite the cable or T.V provider. This is one of the most serious problems we have right now.
JesKlu said:
I tjink all shows should be captioned, despite the cable or T.V provider. This is one of the most serious problems we have right now.
Well, captioning costs money. Not everyone can afford to make every show captioned. Some shows are cheaper when captioned in advance. Captioning live costs more. Some are privately owned companies that do not do educational shows so they don't get any support from the government to make them captioned. How would you like it if the government forced you to add a ramp to the front of your house just because the handicapped people believed that EVERY PLACE should be wheelchair accessible?
If the government give tax breaks if you serve the handicapped they could afford to do captions on every show. But its people like bill clinton who dont agree giving tax breaks to anyone.
ravensteve1961 said:
If the government give tax breaks if you serve the handicapped they could afford to do captions on every show. But its people like bill clinton who dont agree giving tax breaks to anyone.
I rather pay taxes steadily instead of someone holding out on us and we end up going broke.
Vamp,,Its our money and we should decide how it gets spent. Not the beaucrats of washington.
VamPyroX said:
It's probably your television or your cable service. I watch The Twilight Zone on Sci-Fi all the time and it's always captioned.

The cinematics on The Twilight Zone or The Night Gallery scenes is good enough tell me the story without the captions.

"The Old Man In The Cave"
Captioning is expensive

Captioning tv shows is very expensive.
The PBS stations here in Calfornia get money from people or large companies to help pay for the captions.
Richard is right, he can watch the show like Twight Zone and Night Gallery on Sci Fi and understand it.
Dir. of Communication Services
Margie said:
Captioning tv shows is very expensive.
The PBS stations here in Calfornia get money from people or large companies to help pay for the captions.
Richard is right, he can watch the show like Twight Zone and Night Gallery on Sci Fi and understand it.
Dir. of Communication Services

When the stations can't afford to caption, they usually have an advertiser pay for it and show their ads during the show. There are ways to get it captioned whether it is expensive or cheap, it's still the law.

I have noticed some captioned episodes get messed up because sometimes the stations adds those top or bottom banner notices of upcoming news or shows (MTV is a perfect example, they used to have that stupid, ugly red, green and blue box on top of the screen and pop out small ads for upcoming show times, the captions always disappear at that point).
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ravensteve1961 said:
Not all shows movies are captioned. Like theres no captions on the sci fi channel the twighlight zone. They all should be captioned.

I agree, Steve. They SHOULD be. We have two TVs in my household. One in my room, and one out in the living room. My TV has the CC feature built into it, and I can toggle it whenever I feel like it. However, the TV out in our living does NOT have a toggle feature, so if I were to have any deaf friends over, we would have to fiddle with the television's "guts" in order to turn on the CC, so my friend could watch our TV. Blah!

I also like to turn on the CC on my TV sometimes, so I can pick up more of what I am watching. I am hearing, but sometimes, I wonder if I am hearing all I am supposed to? I have trouble picking up conversational speech sometimes, especially, if I am in a crowd or there's alot of confusion around me. I can hear the SOUND of the person's voice, but sometimes, I have a hard time understanding what the person is saying to me, and I have to ask them to repeat themselves. This is especially bothersome when I am on the phone, or if I am talking to someone who has a rapid speech pattern.

Whatever. LOL Like most things I don't wanna address, I'll investigate the cause when it REALLY becomes a real problem rather than an annoyance! lol
ravensteve1961 said:
Not all shows movies are captioned. Like theres no captions on the sci fi channel the twighlight zone. They all should be captioned.
I'll agree with that. If you're talking about the original Twilight Zone, that was made around forty years ago, well before FCC rulings started to require captioning. TV stations/networks can take longer to caption old programs than new programs. Check out the Captioning Standards and Laws page of the Closed Captioning FAQ for more information.
Nesmuth said:
The cinematics on The Twilight Zone or The Night Gallery scenes is good enough tell me the story without the captions.
My respect for the excellent work of Rod Serling is second to none, but do you really think that anyone would appreciate "To Serve Man" without the dialogue, or "They're Tearing Down Tim Riley's Bar"?
You should be grateful that at LEAST 95% of all shows on tv are captioned, in comparison to Australia's roughly 45%. Be glad that US has alot captioned...they have been working hard in meeting the deaf and visually disabled individuals's needs. It has come a long way, ya know.
I was hired a few years ago to work for NCI (National, I think?). I ended up not taking the job because it was two hours short of a week that would have qualified me for the union, and I thought that was really unfair.

However, what I saw was the ENORMOUS amount of work getting done just to keep up with present demand on current shows. The backlog on shows from the past is almost impossible to deal with, so there's probably shows on Nick at Nite and old movies that don't have captions so that Survivor can.

They were really good people over there (hearing and deaf both, by the way), and are doing great work.
I brought one of the 'Twilight Zone' volumes DVD, it came to a disappointment that those DVD series aren't closed captioned. What's up with old sci-fic shows on DVDs that aren't closed caption? I just wish that the 'Twlight Zone' DVDs are closed captioned. I was thinking that it might have to do with the production company that just copy the shows onto the DVDs and distribute them the simple way without having to build up all the features in the series.
SeattleDeafGrl said:
I brought one of the 'Twilight Zone' volumes DVD, it came to a disappointment that those DVD series aren't closed captioned. What's up with old sci-fic shows on DVDs that aren't closed caption? I just wish that the 'Twlight Zone' DVDs are closed captioned. I was thinking that it might have to do with the production company that just copy the shows onto the DVDs and distribute them the simple way without having to build up all the features in the series.
Yes, it might be the production company. What's the name of the company that made the DVDs?

There is one company called Rhino. They don't make their titles captioned. It was a big disappointment for me since my favorite cartoon series, Transformers, was released on DVD. Unfortunately, they weren't captioned. I tried arguing with them about it, but they don't really do much since it's a Canadian company. :roll: