Turn off avatars of other members on individual basis?

Jane B.

Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
Reaction score
I have not found a way to turn off the avatar of other uses on an individual basis. It looks like I have to view everyone's or not get to see anyone's. Is this correct? There is one poster that shows up in a number of the same threads that I read and sometimes respond to that has an avatar that is soooo animated that it greatly hinders reading the actual posting for me.
if you turn it off, it will be the whole one. either that or that. sorry.

Of course, I expected to turn off the individual's avatar completely not just the animation. Although, just turning off the animation would solve my personal problem.
Of course, I expected to turn off the individual's avatar completely not just the animation. Although, just turning off the animation would solve my personal problem.

You could just put the person on ignore.
I am interested in reading what the person posts. Just not in having to try to ignore the extreme jumping around of the avatar while doing so.

Maybe just ask if they could change it. Some people have done that in the past.
Go to "control panel" and then "edit options" down the page about 2/3 of the way down. There are three check boxes together:
  • Show Signatures
  • Show Avatars
  • Show Images (including attached images and images in code)
    Uncheck the ones you don't want to see. If the moving images are the only problem, click the "stop" button on your browser.
Go to "control panel" and then "edit options" down the page about 2/3 of the way down. There are three check boxes together:
  • Show Signatures
  • Show Avatars
  • Show Images (including attached images and images in code)
    Uncheck the ones you don't want to see. If the moving images are the only problem, click the "stop" button on your browser.[/quote]

    Thought if you turn the avatar off then the whole of members avatar will be shutted off?
Go to "control panel" and then "edit options" down the page about 2/3 of the way down. There are three check boxes together:
  • Show Signatures
  • Show Avatars
  • Show Images (including attached images and images in code)
    Uncheck the ones you don't want to see. If the moving images are the only problem, click the "stop" button on your browser.[/quote]

    [quote="Frisky Feline, post: 2120536"]Thought if you turn the avatar off then the whole of members avatar will be shutted off?[/quote]

    I just checked it and just like I remembered (and what I think is also what Frisky is saying) if you uncheck Show Avatars you don't get to see anyone's Avatar.

    Also, where would I find a "Stop" button in Firefox 15.0.1 running on XP Pro?
I just checked it and just like I remembered (and what I think is also what Frisky is saying) if you uncheck Show Avatars you don't get to see anyone's Avatar.

Also, where would I find a "Stop" button in Firefox 15.0.1 running on XP Pro?
If you press the "ESC" button on keyboard, that stops Firefox for me.
To disable gif animations on Windows IE, choose Tools/Internet Options. When the dialog box opens, deselect the "Play animations" check box and then click OK to close the dialog box. Note this option will stop all animated images.
I have not found a way to turn off the avatar of other uses on an individual basis. It looks like I have to view everyone's or not get to see anyone's. Is this correct? There is one poster that shows up in a number of the same threads that I read and sometimes respond to that has an avatar that is soooo animated that it greatly hinders reading the actual posting for me.

Some feel like they can trigger a seizure with all that blinking. I have to cover it with my hand or just skip those posts.
If you are using firefox, you can use ******* to block specific images.
Once you install the add-on, you can block individual images by right clicking and picing "******* Plus; Block Image..."

It's not a perfect solution, but it's one way.
That's a very handy addon. I don't remember which one it was that I used, but it came in very handy for me... especially on those websites that are full of ads (like Facebook). I simply right-click on the ad and block it at the source. I had to do this for a few visits, but the frequency of me doing it got less and less. (Many different ad sources. Block one, there's still many more. If nothing shows up, it's blocked. If it shows up, I haven't blocked it yet.) :)
Are you referring to avatars or signatures?

I don't know about others that have posted in this thread. But, I started it because of one avatar in particular that drives me nuts when trying to concentrate on what is actually written in the post.

Signatures are somewhat easier to avoid by just not scrolling down that far in many cases.
There is currently no forum function available on the Admin's side, that allows members to turn off single avatars. You can only turn them all off, and that's it.

There are ways you can do them on your end and some of them have been mentioned already.
1) PM and request the member to change or remove it.
2) Use 'ESC' to stop animations on a webpage at any given moment for some browsers.
3) Turn off all images (depending on browser) or all avatars.
4) Ad block plus, (Firefox, Chrome only) add the extension and right click the image you want blocked.

The advanced ones involve modifications (host files, browser handling) or special scripts and we won't get into those as they are too technical for the average user.
As the OP I want to thank everyone for their suggestions.

Since my main problem is with one person's avatar I have found the "Escape" key to do enough. The other more extensive changes don't seem worthwhile for no more than this.

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